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Don't worry Jin, I'm on my way

Chapter 21:TWINS?!

Kim Namjoon

I spotted Sun Hee unconsciously lying on the floor, I rushed to pick her up and give her to Jackson so I can continue searching for hyung.

And in that moment, I never seen hyung so helpless before.He is now currently fighting for his life due to the gunshot he got, he is so pale and skinny from what I remembered.

So I quickly untied him but he knocked out in the cold.I panicked and carry him as fast as I could to get him to the nearest hospital.

Kim Seokjin

Urrggg why does my head hurts so much as well as my side.I tried to wake up but I can't, I can't move nor speak.I am scared what is happening.

While I was panicking I heard the love of my life as well as my daughter's

"Jin please wake up, me and Sun Hee are waiting, come on please wake up and nag us again"

"Daddy can please wake up already,you already missed a lot of school activities and I clearly need you there"


Shit. Why haven't I noticed sooner.

"HHAHAHA if you think that you can keep me locked up in here well your wrong"

"Would you freaking shut up Sun Hae!!!!"I yelled in irritation. She has been trying to get out ever since we got here

"Did you guys really think that my stupid angel sister would shoe w up here and almost kill her fucking daughter?"I froze at her statement

"What did you just said?"

"Hahah I am not Kang Sun Hae, I am Kang Jae Hee not Sun Hae"Then of she is not Sun Hae, why do they freaking look-a-like

"Oh my God!you're still confused Hahahaha"

"Just tell me the truth!!!"

"Stupid, I AM HER TWIN!!"

"If you're not her then why the fuck were you doing all this!"I tried to calm myself down but this girl keeps being to suspenseful

"Why?! What do you think so? Example if you have a family that is embarrassed of you and proud to you sibling, what would you feel?If you had loved someone that clearly like someone else, it hurts so much!!!Then Jin came along,being nice and all,Then poof one day he gone and you taken him away from me!!!!"

"So of Jin is the pine you like why in the would you nearly killed him"

"No I am not killing him!!"

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