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Jin stood up, grabbed his daughter then looked one more time at Hoseok saying sorry before rushing off.

"Jin hyung, wait!"

'I'm sorry Hobi, I'm not ready' tears forming in his eyes,

"Daddy,why are we leaving?" Jin looked at Sun Hee his daughter before wiping his eyes hiding his tears.

"Umm, how about we go home now sunshine and we will start making your cake birthday girl"Jin said dragging Sun Hee out of the park ..

"But I am still playing" Sun hee pouted upset that she didn't get to say goodbye to her new friends.


" Hey wait up!!" Hoseok shouted at the pink man..But no luck he already got away with the kid.

'He's BACK'

Phone ringing.... 'SangRi Wifue'

"H-he's back S-SangRi"

"Who's back honey?"

"J-jin hyung, I saw him"

"What? Are you sure that's him? "

"It's him, I sure, it's him"

"Are you okay, how about you come home now, I'm sure the kids are already exhausted"

"Y-you're right, s-see you in a b-bit"

"Bye, I love you"

"I love you too"

Call ended

Still shaking, he called the kids, then went home.


Glaring at her friend, SangRi sighed, Taehyung noticing his friend's discomfort opened his prepared to ask before SangRi beat him to it.

"Hoseok saw him Taehyung"

"Who noona"



"Jin, he saw Jin" Taehyung stilled at the mention of his old friend, "Hyung? " disbelieving, Taehyubg stared at SangRi trying to determine if she's telling the truth.

"He saw who SangRi?Hoseok hyung saw who? " Taehyung and Sang Ri stilled before looking at Namjoon, his face shows no emotion but his eyes, his eyes held disbelief, his eyes is saying that he already know and his question is simply rhetorical.

"Are you gonna answer or I'll go ask Hoseok instead" at this the door opened revealing the kids and a pale looking Hoseok. Instead of answering Sang Ri rushed to her husband's arms.

"Jin hyung, Hoseok hyung saw Jin hyung"

 Lost and Search | Namjin FF (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now