찹텔 9 Ice Cream

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"Yehey I can play with Yoonmin"

she said happily......

Chapter 9: Tears

Kim Namjoon

"Namjoon-ah, Hoseok is going to visit and Jungkook and Taehyung also"

Yoongi said as I nod emotionless

After a few minutes.....


"Hi So Eun"

Yoonmin greeted So Eun happily

"Hey Hoseok-ssi and Sang Ri"

Jimin greeted with a nice smile, if you are wonderong why I am at Jimin's, its because I don't stay here in Seoul I stay at New York, you know to forget about Jin Hyung

Park Jimin

"Taehyung told me that Jin is back"

Hoseok said with sadness in his eyes

"Yeah but hyung had a child with him so he must have a wife"

I answered worried for Namjoon hyung because he loves Jin hyung

"I think we should Jin explain what really happened the past 7 years that he is gone"

Yoongi said and we all nod in chorus meaning that we agree

Kim Taehyung

I can't believe that Jin hyung is here but he has a child with him that resembles someone but I can't remember her...........

"Hey Taekook how about you,me and Sun Hee go grab some ice cream?"

I ask as my son twinkle his eyes and run off to Sun Hee.As I head to hyung to tell him about me and the kids grabbing some ice cream while they wait right here

"Hey hyung, me and the kids are just going in for some ice cream so can please wait here with Kookie"

I said as he nod agreeing on my suggestion and walk off with Taekook and Sun Hee in both hands..

As we reach the ice cream parlor, I forgot what Sun Hee would like.

"Sun Hee, what flavor would you like?"

"Strawberry please"

she said with twinkling eyes

"Here you go guys"

I said as a gave them their ice cream. I got Sun Hee strawberry while Taekook and I got vanilla.

"Thank you"

thay said with a smile.

Hey guys so how is my story, just comment down below what you think.And also I suggest you guys read my other story, Can you Forgive me, its a Vkook story😊😊




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