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But I know that I am currently panicking for Sun Hee......

Chapter 19 Going back

Kim Seokjin

It was so dark.I cant see or hear a thing.I haven't eaten for a long time and now am really starving.

"Hey Jin, guess what_ _ _"
I didn't let him finish




"I got you a little surprise by the way, and when I say little I mean little princess"

I stood frozen in shock as I see them carry an unconscious Sun Hee

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I said as my raging with anger

"Oh nothing, were just getting started"

Kim Teahyung

Its been two days since hyung and Sun Hee had been abducted.We are so worried, especially Namjoon hyung.He has been doing his best to hack non stop just to track them but still no clue.

After the gunshot, I heard hyung screech then when I come to check there were only drips of blood.

"Tae, I think we should go back to Devils Death"

"What?are you serious, we have kids we cannot go back"

"Hobi can protect them sinve he already know but Tae we need all the help we can get for Hyung"

I stood there thinking..

"Fine I'll call Jackson,Tell the others to get ready"

Kookie only nodded and proceeded to Yoongi hyung..


(Hello, V you haven't called for a long time, what's the problem)

"Hello, Jackson we need your help"

(With what exactly)

"I think Jin hyung is captured by Black Dragons"

(Why would they capture their greatest asset)

"I don't know that's why I need your help)



Jeon Jungkook

"Hey guys were going back to Devils Death"

Hobi gave me an 'are you serious?' look while the rest gave me a 'what the fuck are thinking' look

"Kookie we can't risk the children's life"

"But this is the only way to save Jin hyung"

"You maybe right but going back means danger, and right now I only want the safety of Yoonmin and the others"

"To late to disagree, I already called Jackson"

Taehyung came in the scene saving me from Yoongi's Demon stare.

"Hobi hyung can protect the kids since he is permanently out"

"Fine so what's the plan"


Hey guys sorry for being out for a while😅😅So how's the chapter,What do you think will happen to Jin and Sun Hee?What is the Devils'Death?And what do they mean Jin being there greatest assest?😏😏

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