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"No I am not killing him!!"

Chapter 21 Awake

Kim Seokjin

I been staring at the edge of my dreamscape, seeing nothing but black. I can't move nor make a sound, until I saw a small dot of light that become bigger at the second

Kim Sun Hee

"Papa?"I said with wearing voice as I heard the beeping sound of his machine

"Appa Namjoon!"he literally jump out of dreamland and stared at papa

"Shibal"he said as he rushed out

Kim Namjoon

"Doctor, Jin is beeping"the doctor looked surprise, as well as I do.

I really can't believe it, Jin is waking up

"Thank for informing me, don't you worry more, I will check his data analysis"

Min Yoongi

Fuck finally your awake

Park Jimin

Thank the Lord

Jung Hoseok

Yassssssss your finally awake

Sang Ri

Finally after a long wait

Kim Taehyung


Jeon Jungkook


"Yah do really want me to die that much? My eardrums hurt....Where am I and where is Sun Hee?"

"I am deeply offended"its Hoseok hyung "you haven't thank me yet,I been screaming crazy because I got left behind to do Namjoon's work"

"Why,what happened to him, is he alright?"he was panicking and I moved out of the way jokingly out of the perfect view of Namjoon in a hospital bed "Well..."

"Wahhhhh!!!Joonieeeeeeeeeeee" he cried trying to stand up while the rest of us tried to hold our laughter.

But of course no one hold it long enough because we burst out laughing even Yoongi hyung joined

"Guys why are laughing at my lov----our friend"

"Jin we are not laughing because of our SLEEPING FREIND--" and he doesn't let anyone finish again and starts rejoices

"Guys please shut the fuck up I am trying to sleep and please tell Jin to stop panicking" Namjoon groaned in annoyance

"Joonieee!!" Hyung ignores and continue sleeping

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