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"Fine so what's the plan"

Chapter 20 Save Me

Kim Namjoon

We are already on our way to the headquarters. Today we will be meeting Jackson and the others for the plan.

If you ask, Devils' Death is gang that we joined during college.The members were not bad,they only kill criminals and does not join in any competitions that requires killing.And yes,all of us had already killed people except Jungkook because he was still in training.

"We're here"Yoongi..I mean Suga stated while heading outside the van.

"Welcome back"Yugeom exclaimed Smirking

"You know are business here Yugeom, we're not gonna stay long"

"Of course Namjoon, this way please the BOSS will be delighted about the news"

we followed him inside the mansion.Well nothing really change since the last time we got here.

"Hey Tae,nothing seemed strange,its actually the same"Jungkook said whispering to Taehyung.

'Yeah just like the old days'

Jung Hoseok

I am worried for them right now but there is nothing I can do,I already quitted for my wife and daughter.

"Hobi-ah go get the kids ready for lunch"

I nod and went straight away to inform the kids until I noticed that there was this black SUV parked infront of the house 'Seems like Jin is not the only one being hunted I better call Namjoon'



"Namjoon there is a black SUV park in front of the house"

(Can you give me the plate number?)

"Its W********"

(Hobi, that's a normal plate number its personalized)

"I know that's why I need you help"

(Fine,I'll call you back if I found out whose car is that)


Jeon Jungkook

"Kookieeeeee welcome backkkkk"JB greeted happily

"Hey JB how are you?"

"I am doing fine as you can see, I'm off training"

"That's great"

A loud shattering of glass was heard.

"Fuck!they're onto all of us"

"But hyung what would they want from us"

"Well we are now top 1 and now that we you guys are back will be more unstoppable"

"Jackson,why in the world would a group of criminals would be onto all of us"

"Simple they seek revenge"

"They are currently onto Hoseok"

"Shit!Jungkook,Yugeom,Baekhyun, rush to Hoseok's and make sure they are safe including the kids"

"The of you guys come with me and Bambam,we just found the location of Jin"

We rushed to the SUV and Yoongi drove fast until we reached an old warehouse

"This is it?this is where hyung is?"

Jimin is right this is to obvious to be a hiding spot especially for Black Dragons.

We heard a loud gun shot.

"Finally you found us"
She wickedly smile at us

I really can't believe its her....Sun Hee mom,Kang Sun Hae

"Why do you do this?!"

"Because you left me alone in the dark while you took Jin's attention!!"She pointed at Namjoon

"WTF?!is that because of it,JEALOUSY?!!!!!"

"You even kidnapped your own kid!"

"I don't care about her"

"That's BULLSHIT!"

"She's alone!!" we heard a loud shout which I recognized as hyung.What the Fuck is she thinking being alone like this.

"Jimin, Bambam hold her,Namjoon go get Jin And SunHee"

Kim Namjoon

Don't worry Jin, I'm on my way.


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Hey guys just a few more to go and its epilogue, So are you guys enjoying the story?

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