찹텔 15 Almost There

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"Its okay now Sun Hee, I will fight those evil meanies

Chapter 15: Almost there

Kim Seokjin

While I was on my way, I suddenly received a text message from my brother that he was going to a business trip and that he cannot entertain me so I decided to go to Kookie's house.

Ringg Ring...

"Hey Kookie, I am going home today, my brother was out of town so I decided to go home I'll be there in 5:00 pm"

"Sure hyung, but do mind going to going to Jimin and Yoongi's house for dinner?"

"Sure, I don't mind at least their are food"

I heard some chuckling, it might have been kookie's bunny snarl because of my reason

"Thanks hyung see you there  I'll send you the address"

As he end the call, my phone suddenly vibrated and it showed the address of the Yoonmin couple.

Min Yoongi

"We're home!!"Yoonmin and chimchim yelled through the door.

I smiled as I made my way through the door and saw the kids with Namjoon hyung and a familiar kid.

"Hello, what is your name?I ask approaching the little girl.

She smiled widely and said" Hi!My name is Kim Sun Hee, how about you mister?"

"I am Yoongi but you can call me suga"

"Oyy,why did you greet her and just snob us"

"Yah you should get ready Hobi and the others are coming"I said as I made my way to the kitchen.

Park Jimin

I was a bit surprise that yoongi was actually kind for some reason.



Hey,have you already found your jams? Anyway Jin hyung will be joining as for dinner.


Yeah its in the kitchen,If he wil be joining us what about Namjoon hyung.

FROM: Kookie

I think this the right time for them to meet and talk.

Ding Dong..

"Hurry up and open the door!" I heard Hobi shouted probably irritated that I haven't open the door yet.

"Aishh hold up for a moment"I yelled back making my way to the door.

" hyung I got news for you Jin hyung will be joining us for dinner"I whispered to Hobi hyung which he clearly understand.





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Hey guys I was wondering if you can follow me in twitter cause I'm still new, my username is @MissChelzey

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