찹텔 11

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"Sure, we will just pick up Taekook and the other kid there"


Chapter 11 Hi I am Sun Hee

Kim Seokjin

Right now, we are on our way to Kookie and Taehyung's house.I will leave Sun Hee with them because I will be gone for 3 days, if you're wondering where I am going, O am headed to my brother Kim Seok Jung.

"Appa why can't I come see Uncle Seok Jung"

My princess ask with an innocent look in her face.

"Because I don't want you to be spoiled with your uncle, you know how he loves children"

I said as she realized  the situation, and nodded quickly

"Besides you get to stay with Taekook"

I said to her as she quickly blush hard, as in like a fresh tomato.

"Aww my princess is all grown up hahahaha----Oww"


She is currently shouting as she hit me hard while I am laughing my head off hahaha

At Taekook's house

"Daddyyyy, Sun Hee and Uncle Jin are here"

Taekook yelled as I press their  doorbell.

"Woah daebak, Jiminie, hyung is here"

He yelled to Jimin-ah —wait a minute Jimin is here


He yelled teary eyed..

"Appa why you crying"

Woah is this his son, he seriously got swag

"Yeah Uncle why are you crying?"

Said an innocent girl that clearly looks like Hobi.

"Its nothing,Hey hyung, by the way this my son Park Yoonmin and this is Hobi's Daughter, Jung So Eun."

he finised introducing while pointing towards Yoonmin and So Eun

"Well nice to meet you guys, anyway this is my daughter, Kim Sun Hee"

I said pointing to my princess who is currently with Taekook

" So I will be taking my leave, Bye guys, Bye princess take care"

I said waving to Sun Hee

"Bye Daddy!!"





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