찹텔 13

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" Thanks Sang Ri"

I said as I leave their house

Chapter 13 Namjoon-appa

Park Jimin

While I was playing with So Eun, I realized that we all have been playing and we haven't eating any snack so I decided to buy some food nearby.

As I was buying I saw a familiar vehicle.

"Annyeong haseyo Namjoon hyung!"

I shouted as I saw the man that came out of the car.

"Annyeong haseyo Jimin-ah"

he greeted coldly, ughhh he never change a bit

"Whose the new kid?"

he ask curiously pointing at Sun Hee

"Ahh that is Kim Sun Hee, the daughter of my close friend and also she will be staying with Jungkookie for 3 days"

I explained while I examine his emotion. I check if he somehow soften his features and from what I see is that he want to get close to the child.

"Umm how about all of us go out for dinner, so we can introduce Sun Hee to them and I am sure that J hope-ssi will be thrilled to meet another cutie pie"

I said as Namjoon hyung nodded and headed towards the kids, while I am still here waiting for my turn at the counter to check out my chosen snacks ..

Ring Ring..

When a familiar ringtone rung, I quickly look at my phone to see that Taehyung is calling 'TALK ABOUT PERFECT TIMING'

"Hello Taehyung-ah"

"Hi Chim Chim Umm so how is Sun Hee and Taekook doing?"

"They ate having Fun with Namjoon hyung"

"ohh ok---wait what, do know what will happen if Namjoon and Jin hyung meets?"

"Don't worry I already said that Sun Hee is a daughter of a close friend"

"Well that will do"

"Taehyung, can you inform the others that we will have a dinner at my house, I want Hobi-ssi to meet Sun Hee"

"Ok, On it, Bye"

Toot toot

Aishhh, he ended the call already, Are you Kidding me

Kim Sun Hee


Taekook yelled while running for a man that looks like the one from daddy's friends

"Hello there, My name is Namjoon, what is yours?"

He asked as reach me and Taekook.

"Annyeong haseyo Uncle Namjoon, my name is Kim Sun Hee"

I answered smiling as he smiled bakc as well

"Where is your parents?"

he ask as I rember how I miss daddy

"hey are you alright"

he ask  as worry can be found in hos face.He must have seen my tears

"I'm Fine, I just missmy daddy"

"Well I can be your appa for now"

he said happily, smiling with his world famous dimples showing

"Ok Namjoon appa"





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