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"Flight 475 New York to Korea passengers now boarding, please proceed now. "

"Flight 475 New York to Korea passengers now boarding, please proceed now. "

Seokjin was in deep thought, completely oblivious to their flight announcement. A girl pulled his shirt trying to gain the attention of her father.

"Hmm, Sun Hee why are you pulling  my shirt? " Sun Hee just smiled brightly at him, innocent eyes wrinkling as she smiles, the smile that brought light to his dark world,  the smile that resembles so much of her mother. "Daddy,  let's go, come on"


Two weeks, Jin had already returned to Korea, in two weeks, he thought about looking for his friends,  his friends that he miss so much, but he had to do it, he had to finish his mess, he had to protect his daughter, Sun Hee.

"Sun Hee don't run, you might fall also I cooked seaweed soup for you, now hurry up before it gets cold" Placing the soup in bowls,  he watch as his daughter run around giddily.

"Daddy it's my birthday,  today my birthday"

"Yes baby,  how old are you again?"

"Silly daddy I'm seven, seven" holding up seven fingers for her father to see. He laughed then lifted up the giggling girl, kissed her cheeks, before bringing her to the table to eat.

"Daddy, Do you miss your friends?Jin looked at his daughter, speechless. He remembered where he would tell Sun Hee about his friends, how they would look out for each other like family.

"More than anything in the world, why do you ask?"

"If you had the chance to leave me and go back to them what would you do? " Flustered, Jin choked on his soup. He smiled at her daughter.

"Why would I leave you, you're stuck with me"

"Really? " eyes wide,  staring innocently at her father "Really,  now do you wanna go outside to play,  then maybe we can go to the kindergarten nearby, then we can bake your cake when we return"

"Okay daddy, I want wear my pink dress,please"pointing to the light pink dress that sat in her closet.


"Min Yoongi!  If you don't wake up now and bring Yoonmin to the playground with Taekook and So Eun,  you're gonna wish you are a rock! "Annoyed,  Yoongi pulled Jimin towards him.

"Hoseok is going to take the kids remember, it's still early come on, I want to cuddle" Putting his head on Jimin's neck as they cuddle.


"Look over there Sun Hee,  do you want to play with them? " Sun Hee smiled then nodded, she rushed to the 3 kids in the slide. Jin sat down beside a man,  keeping his cap on mask in tact.  The man looked at Jin with a smile on his face ready to introduce himself.

"Hi I'm-" The man stopped, shocked evident on his face, and rendered speechless. "Hoseok"

"J-Jin h-hyung? "

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