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"Jinnieeeee" I heard a strange noise coming from a far,and when I looked who was it

"Ohh Sunny how are you? I haven't seen you last summer"I ask,

Her name is Kang Sun Hae, but I call her Sunny..She is my childhood bestfriend and also my crush..She has long golden locks that shine well with the sun and also her eyes That also shine well with the sun, almost shines like the sun itself..In all she is really pretty and also have a lovely attitude..

"Sorry Jinnie"she said and held the most cutest face you have ever seen

"Ouch, it hurts"haha she winced in pain as I pinch her soft cheeks

"Ouch, please stop" she begged for mercy..

(A few years later)

I haven't seen her since we were kids now I am in highschool with my friends.. We are famous because of our band named BTS...

"Jin hyung come on let's buy some food I am hungry" Jungkook whines still hungry after our lunch

"But Kookie, we just finished our lunch a while ago" Namjoon nagged him

"But I am hungry"He whined

"You just said you were full 1 minute ago"

Jimin corrected him.He kept whining until I gave up.

"Here go buy something to eat" I said looking annoyed because of his childish act

"Finally" he said too loud that woke up Yoongi

"Hey keep quiet I am sleeping here for goodness sake"he said with an annoyed expression

"Fine" and he walked of with the money I gave him

At home,I was pretty bored because I got no one to hang out with, at first I tried calling Taehyung but he seemed busy as well as the others, well except for Namjoon,so I invited him over my house.

Yeah I already have my own house, well it it was a gift to me by my parents..

Ding ding ding dong

The doorbell rung as I rush to get it, assuming it was Namjoon, except I found a girl who is quietly familiar to me

"Hey jinnie, long time no see"she said..I still tried to remember her until I heard the name she called me.

"Wow Sunny is that you, look at you you grown into a fine lovely lady"I said formally

" you sound like Uncle" she teased

"Hey just stating the fact here"she giggled. I certainly miss her giggles

We talked about many stuff until my phone rings

(Hello, hung sorry I cannot hang out now cause I forgot I have a family dinner)

"Nah don't worry about it"

(Are you sure? You can asked Yoongi if you're really bored, I am sure is just sleeping as always)

"Its okay I already have someone to keep me company"

(Okay just if you need something)..


"Hey Sunny wanna go get something to eat?"I ask her

"Its okay can you just cook me some seaweed soup?"she asks with pleading eyes, the ones that I cannot disagree at all

"Okay fine, just wait here"I said the left

After  I went shopping for ingredients, Sunny was no where to be found

AGAIN AFTER SO MANY YEARS she is back once again... But many things had already change like for example,me. I will only endanger her, I can't let that happen.  Also, there's Namjoon,  unlike anyone I've ever been close with,  he has this effect on me,,,,

I didn't got the chance to explore those feelings because I went to see her..to see them.
After all those years,  I finally knew why.





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