27~You are.

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A/N: Okay, so..I'm like really excited for this chap and  your reaction, so excited that I even put an A/N at the beginning 😂❤️Like I said in the last Note...we'll finally get to the soulmate-thing...Okayyyyy so REAAAAAD and comment!😏😘


"Severus?" Hermione carefully asked when they entered the Room. 

He turned around and looked at her. "Why are you here?" he started. "It's eleven o'clock! And why did you search me?" 

Hermione looked at her feet and smirked a bit. Because of her nightly adventures with Harry and Ron in all her years at Hogwarts, wondering through the castle at night wasn't a big deal. 

No sound was heard for the next few minutes until Severus suddenly spoke with a rather abnormal question for the most people. "Are we soulmates?" 

Hermione's smirk disappeared. She inhaled deeply and fiddled nervously with her skirt. She looked up and saw that Severus had sat down next to her. He looked at her intently and she remembered that he, as a very skilled Legilimens, was probably reading her mind right now. 

Severus smiled. "We are?" he asked happily. 

Hermione smiled too in confirmation. He hugged her, causing Hermione's smile to disappear out of shock. Her smile returned when she realized what he was doing and how rare that was, and she hugged him back. 

They hugged for quite a long time, and Severus was the first one to pull away. He blushed. Hermione decided not to squeal, because that'd ruin the moment.

 "So..why're you here?" he asked smiling.

 "Uh, well..McGonagall found out that you..and I, were at this place -Ron told her-" 

Severus's happy face turned into a shocked face and he immediately stood up, causing Hermione to almost fall of the couch.

 "Freckle-face told her?! Do you even know what that means?" he asked, suddenly angry, while he paced through the room. 

Hermione didn't answer, although she felt the need to laugh. Freckle-face. 

He looked at her. Gosh he was angry.


She still didn't answer. 

"Now she's unstoppable! I'm sure she'll do everything to find out what we -you- are doing in a deserted dark corridor! And," He stopped talking and his eyes turned thrice as big. "Oh Merlin's stupid beard, SHE KNOWS ABOUT THIS PLACE!" 

With a loud thump Severus fell down on the bed.

 "What?" Hermione asked weakly. 

Sev closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "She..well, this room is mine ever since my fourth year here, and she sorta followed me once -stalker- and so she kinda discovered this room. I believe she even helped building this, but that formly Headmaster Dippet erased her memory about it. But she will remember, if she hasn't already, and then we have a real problem." 

Hermione sighed. "Fancy a pizza?" she randomly said and walked towards the refrigerator. 

Severus raised an eyebrow and tiredly smirked at her. "You actually filled the refrigerator?" he asked mocking. 

Hermione blushed. "Yeahh..we have pizza salami and pizza Hawaii, which one do you want?" 

Severus shook his head, chuckling. A wonderful sound in Hermione's opinion.

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