Chapter 2

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The next morning Yuju woke up early, before Jungkook's family.

She hurried to their bathroom downstairs.

She took a quick shower.

Then she put on her wig, and her uniform.

Her mother also got up early to make her breakfast.

Her mother made Yuju some breakfast, and she made some for Jungkook's family.

Yuju quickly ate then she quickly left before JungKook woke up.

A few moments later, JungKook's family woke up.

JungKook was still in bed.

Jungkook's mother: JungKook-ah!
(She yelled up the stairs.)

There was no reply.

Jungkook's mother: Mrs. Choi, may you please go wake up JungKook?

Yuju's mother: Ye.

Then she walked up the stairs.

She went to Jungkook's door, she gently knocked before entering.

Yuju's mother: JungKook?

No reply.

Yuju's mother: JungKook, I'm coming in.

Then she slowly opened the door.

She looked and saw JungKook sleeping there peacefully.

She quietly walked over.

Yuju's mother: JungKook. Wake up, you have to go to school.

JungKook turned over.

Yuju's mother sighed.

Yuju's mother: JungKook, please get ready, breakfast is downstairs.
(Then she left.)

After Yuju's mom left, JungKook sat up.

He scratched his head, and then rubbed his eye.

Then he yawned.

He was shirtless, he walked over to his bathroom, that was connected to his room.

He took a warm shower.

After he was done, he put on his uniform, and went downstairs.

Jungkook's mother: Oh! Jungkook-ah..

JungKook walked past his mother.

And went out.

Jungkook's mother was heart broken.

As JungKook went out, his mother almost collapsed.

Yuju's mother quickly came and caught her.

Yuju's mother: Miss.. Are you alright?!

A tear came out of Jungkook's mother's eye.


Yuju got to school early as always.

She made a little place for her to dance at their school roof.

No one really went to that section of the roof, so she decided to bring a yoga mat, a mirror, a ballet ball, and a hula hoop.

She put all of those in a box, so that when she wasn't there, it would be safe in there.

There was also a table, some clipboards, and papers.

So that she could make up some dance moves.

Yuju really loved to dance.

But no one knew.

Even her mother.

So every morning when she got to school early, she would use the time to dance.

Yuju laid out her yoga mat, and started stretching.

After she was done stretching, she went over the dance moves that she made up yesterday in front of the mirror.

She smiled at herself in the mirror.

Then she asked herself in her head, "Why do I have to dress up and act like a guy?"


Yuju's real mother: Yuju, want to play hide and seek?

Yuju nodded her head (yes)

Yuju's real mother: I'll count to ten okay, go and hide. I'm starting. One..
(She said pushing away Yuju, as she looked back and saw the guards looking for her.)

Yuju went to hide under a table.

Yuju's real mother: Two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Six..
(Then she glanced back and saw the guards coming closer.)
Seven.. Eight.. Nine.. Ten..

And the guards were right behind her.

She threw her bag at them and started running away.

Yuju saw, but she stayed there for a while before coming out.

She started crying.

Yuju: Eomma..

After they were gone, she got out from under the table.

She looked around her looking for her mother.

Yuju: Eomma..
(She said standing in the middle of the road, while crying, and as people were walking around her.)

A few moments later a women came up to Yuju.

Lady: What's the matter?

Yuju: My mother.. I don't know where she went.

Lady: Let's go look for her.
(She said reaching out her hand.)

Yuju grabbed her hand.

And they went to look for Yuju's mother.

But until today, Yuju never found her real mother.

So she just lived with that lady, until now.

And that lady was just like her mother, so that was now Yuju's mother.


After awhile they didn't have much money for Yuju to go to school, and for food.

So they decided to sell their house, and moved down the street.

Yuju didn't get to go to school, after that.

Later on Jungkook's mother saw them, and decided to take them.

And now they live with JungKook and his family.

Jungkook's father is the chairman.

JungKook doesn't like his mother, because that's not his birth mother.

His birth mother passed away.

But JungKook never really knew the real reason why.

And his father told him not to speak about it again.

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