Chapter 12

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Later on that day, Yuju kept on looking at JungKook.


It got dark again.

Yuju was so afraid, that she didn't know what to do.

She went to a corner in the room, and started crying.

She cried while hugging her knees.

Yuju: ..What if you never wake up again?.. What if I never get to see you again? It's all my fault! I'm so sorry..

Yuju cried an ocean.

She was so worried and scared.

And all she could do was cry.


3 days pass.

Yuju woke up and turned to her right.

JungKook wasn't there.

She quickly sat up.

She looked around the room.

JungKook was no where to be found.

She started crying.

Yuju: I thought I saw you in my dream.


Earlier, when Yuju didn't wake up yet.

JungKook slowly walked towards Yuju.

He caressed her cheeks gently.

Trying not to wake her up.

JungKook: Please be careful.

Yuju opened her eyes a little.

Then she closed them.

JungKook pulled the blanket up to under her chin.

Then he walked out of the room.


Yuju got out of bed, she went out of the room, trying to look for JungKook.

She couldn't find JungKook.

Her eyes started to get watery again.

Then she saw someone sitting alone inside of a little garden.

She slowly approached.

She looked carefully.

And saw JungKook sitting there, with his eyes closed.

The garden was beautiful, it was really colorful and bright compared to the forest.

JungKook was peacefully sleeping there, on a bench in a sitting position.

Yuju quietly sat down next to him.

She watched JungKook sleep.

Her eyes got watery.

Yuju: What are you doing here?
(She whispered quietly.)
Are you hurt?

Then JungKook slowly opened his eyes.

Yuju quickly pretended to be asleep.

JungKook looked to his left, and saw Yuju.

He looked at her sleep.

JungKook smiled.

Then Yuju slowly pretended to wake up.

She looked over at JungKook.

JungKook quickly looked away.

Yuju: Oh! JungKook.

JungKook looked at Yuju.

Then Yuju's tone of her voice changed.

Yuju: Are you alright?!
(She asked him as her eyes got watery.)
Do you know how worried I was? Everyday I wake up to see you.. Not awake. Do you know how scared I was.. About losing you, and never seeing you again?

JungKook couldn't take it anymore, and pulled Yuju in for a hug.

JungKook: Its okay. I'm right here. And I'm fine.
(He said while gently patting her head to calm her down.)

Yuju hugged him back, while crying on his shoulders.

JungKook: I was worried when you got bit by a snake too. I was scared to death, that I couldn't save you. And how bad of a friend I was.
(He said crying.)

They both cried together for a good 10 minutes.


Today was the day they were leaving.

They packed their things, and went on the coach bus.

Today was a long day.

Yuju got sleepy, and slowly fell and slept on Jungkook's shoulder.

JungKook smiled.


JungKook and Yuju walked home together.

They were crossing the street, when Yuju heard someone say "Soon- ja"

Which was Yuju's real mother's name.

Yuju froze.

The light was green, for the crosswalk.

Yuju looked at her carefully.

Her eyes got watery.

JungKook: What's wrong?

Yuju: Huh? Uh, nothing.

Then JungKook and Yuju both crossed the street.

Yuju walked past her.

Yuju turned back to look at her.

Yuju: Soon- ja!

Her mother turned around and looked at her.

Yuju quickly ran over to her, which was in the other side of the street.

The light for the crosswalk was red.

A car was coming fast, and Yuju didn't notice.

JungKook noticed and sprinted towards her, and pushed her away fast.

While he got hit.

Yuju turned around.

Yuju: JungKook!!

She quickly ran towards him.

His head started bleeding.

Yuju: JungKook!
(She said crying.)

JungKook smiled.

JungKook: Don't cry. I'm okay.

Then blood started coming out of his mouth.

Yuju: JungKook!

Then he fainted.

Yuju: Someone please call the ambulance!!
(She begged.)

Her mother took out her phone and called.


Yuju: JungKook please wait a bit longer!

They were quickly rushing him to the emergency room.

Yuju waited outside in the hall.

Yuju's mother came, but she was too afraid that she would wrong.

Yuju's mother: Is that really my Yuju?

And now was the wrong time to ask, so she just left.

Hoping to see her again later, someday.

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