Chapter 9

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Yuju gasped.

Yuju: You..
(She said shocked while taking some steps back.)

The guy smirked.

Guy: It's nice to meet you again.

Yuju was lost of words.

Then she came back to her regular self.

Yuju: What are you doing here? All alone in the dark?

The guy laughed.

Guy: I heard it's abandoned, so I just come down here since no one does.

Yuju smiled.

Yuju: I come here too.. By the way.. I kinda forgot your name.
(She said scratching her head.)

Guy: Taehyung.

Yuju: Ahh.. Right.

Taehyung: Aren't you going to eat?

Yuju: No.

Taehyung: Why?

Yuju: There's this person I don't want to see.
(She said looking down.)
You go ahead and eat.
(She smiled.)

Taehyung: Awe, come on let's go eat together!
(He said as he wrapped his arm around Yuju, and dragged her upstairs to the cafeteria.)

Once they got there, Yuju tried to cover her face, so that JungKook couldn't see.

Taehyung: What's wrong?

Yuju quickly looked up.

Yuju: Ah, it's nothing.

Then she sneaked a look at JungKook.

He sat there with a blank expression, while looking around.

He was looking for Yuju.

Then Taehyung and Yuju sat on a table not so far away from Jungkook's.

She was facing JungKook.

By the time she saw him, and quickly looked down, JungKook was already on his way over.

JungKook quickly grabbed onto her wrist, harsh.

Yuju: Ahh!

Taehyung looked at JungKook confused and mad.

JungKook: Let's go!

Yuju was confused.

Taehyung stood up, and held Yuju's other hand.

Taehyung: What are you doing?
(He said giving JungKook a glare.)

JungKook: None of your business.
(Then he tugged Yuju.)

But then Taehyung tugged her back.

Yuju didn't know what to do.

JungKook: Yah! Let him go!

Taehyung: No! I had him first!

JungKook laughed.

JungKook: Yah, Baekhyun, don't you remember your promise?

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