Chapter 11

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Yuju was walking home with JungKook by her side.

Taehyung was quietly following them.

Then all of a sudden, it started raining really hard again.

JungKook saw a phone booth, so he dragged Yuju under there.

Yuju took out a towel from her bag, and started wiping Jungkook's face.

JungKook cutely looked at her.

Yuju was wiping his cheeks, then his jaw.

Then that's when she realized that JungKook was looking at her.

Yuju: Here, you do it yourself.
(She said giving it to JungKook.)

JungKook took the towel, then continued wiping himself.

He saw that Yuju was just standing there.

JungKook: What's wrong?

Yuju: Huh? Uh, that's the only towel that I have.

JungKook: Then why did you wipe me? Instead of yourself?

Yuju: Well..

Then JungKook wiped her.

Yuju got flustered.

She just stood still, while looking down.

JungKook smiled while wiping her gently and carefully.

Taehyung saw them from afar.

He didn't want to see anymore, so he walked away.

He thought that they were both weird.

Wiping each other.


Yuju was drying her hair after taking a shower.

She needed to ask JungKook something, so she walked over to his room.

She slowly opened his door.

She stuck her head in.

No one was in there.

Then she slowly walked around his room, looking at all his trophies, and pictures.

She walked over to his bathroom door, which was closed.

She knocked on the door.

It was silent.

Then JungKook opened it.

He was shirtless.

Yuju quickly shut her eyes tight.

She covered her eyes with her hands.

Yuju: Ah!

JungKook: What?

Yuju: Put on a shirt!

JungKook: Why?
(He said walking closer towards her.)

Yuju: Ahh!! Don't come near me!
(She said taking steps back.)

She was about to trip and fall, but then JungKook caught her.

While wrapping one of his arms around her waist.

Yuju still shut her eyes tight.

Then she slowly opened them, to see JungKook smiling at her.

Yuju then pushed his chest away.

Yuju cleared her throat.

She quickly turned away.

Yuju: Go put on a shirt!

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