Chapter 19

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The rest of the day was awkward for both of them.

Yuju and JungKook walked home together.

But Yuju was slowly walking in front.

While JungKook was slowly following.

Yuju stopped, and turned around to JungKook.

JungKook saw and walked around her.

Yuju: Jung-

Then she became silent.

Her eyes got watery.

Yuju: I'm sorry!

JungKook stopped.

Yuju: I'm sorry I said what I didn't mean! I know your hurt! But I am too!

JungKook turned around towards Yuju.

He slowly walked towards her.

Yuju froze, while looking down.

JungKook grabbed her hand.

He brought it up to his chest, where his heart is.

JungKook: Its broken.
(He said as a tear rolled down his cheek.)
But yours was broken first. I'm sorry. You were right. I should stay in my own business.

Then he slowly walked away.

Yuju: JungKook-

JungKook: Hurry home!

But Yuju didn't know and see that he was actually crying.

Yuju started crying.

Yuju: JungKook! I'm trying to come to you!

JungKook stopped walking.

Yuju: But.. There's a wall here. Trying to separate us! And since I'm not strong enough to break down this wall.. Will you help me?!

JungKook: Are you talking about Lisa, and my parents.
(He said fake laughing, while not even facing Yuju.)

Yuju: I can't do anything about them. It's your choice. Lisa, or me?!
(She said wiping away her tear.)

JungKook: What would you do if I said Lisa?

Yuju's heart broke.

Yuju: Pardon? Are you not lying?

JungKook: I'm going to have to marry her anyway.

Yuju: Woah. I shouldn't have expected so much from you.. Even from the start.
(She said running away, instead of going home.)

JungKook quickly turned around.

But Yuju was gone.

Then it started raining really hard.

JungKook: I never said that I chose her. I asked you what would you do.


Yuju slowly walked through the heavy rain.

Yuju looked up.

Yuju: Thank you for understanding me.
(She said smiling.)

Then she saw an umbrella on top of her.

She slowly looked down to see Taehyung.

She quickly wiped away her tears, so that Taehyung wouldn't know that she was crying.

Taehyung: What are you doing here in the rain?

Yuju: Ah, I just wanted some fresh air.

Taehyung: Did you cry?

Yuju: Huh? Why would I cry?

Taehyung: Because of JungKook.

Yuju sighed.

Yuju: Araso. You got me.
(She smiled.)

Taehyung: So, why did he make you cry?

Yuju: I tried apologizing, and then-

Yuju saw JungKook.

Yuju: Lets go.

Taehyung: Huh? Wae?

Yuju grabbed Taehyung hand.

JungKook saw them, and quickly followed.

Yuju took them inside a nearby convenience store.

Yuju: Let's stay here for a bit.

Taehyung: Araso. Want to get anything?

Yuju: Its okay. I'm fine.

Taehyung grabbed two drinks.

He paid, and then gave one to Yuju.

Yuju: Thanks.

Taehyung: Drink up, don't feel bad, just because he made you cry.

Yuju: Thanks for cheering me up.
(She said hugging Taehyung.)

JungKook saw outside the window.

JungKook: You wouldn't choose me either.
(He said heart broken, then he slowly walked away.)

Yuju saw JungKook walking away.

It was a misunderstanding.

Yuju tried running after him, but Taehyung stopped her.

Taehyung: Its still raining.

Yuju: I need to go!

Taehyung: But-

Yuju ran after JungKook.

She looked around, but JungKook was no where to be found.


JungKook hid behind a corner.

He didn't notice, but a tear fell down his cheek.

Yuju sighed.

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