Chapter 3

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Later on that day.

After Yuju was done dancing, and it was almost time for her first class to start.

She went to class.

She sat down.

Then JungKook walked in.

He sat down next to Yuju.

Yuju: Oh!

JungKook looked at her.

Then Yuju slowly looked away.

JungKook: Go get me breakfast.

Yuju: Huh?
(She said confused.)

Then everyone in the class looked at them.

Yuju: Wha.. What?

JungKook: Go and buy my breakfast!

Jimin walked over.

Jimin: JungKook-ah, he's just a transfer student. Why are you doing this?

JungKook: Hurry!

Yuju got startled.

Then she slowly stood up.

Her eyes were watery.

Jimin: JungKook..

Yuju slowly walked out.

And went to the cafeteria.

Yuju: May I please get bread, with milk.

Then she walked back slowly.

As she was about to give it to JungKook.

She stopped.

"Why do I have to do this?"
She asked to her self in her head.

Then she placed the bread and milk on Jungkook's desk.

Yuju: Here. You. Go..
(She said holding in her anger.)

JungKook laughed.

Then he started eating.

Yuju took out her headphones.

She pressed down on her paper with her pencil hard.

That she ripped the paper.

JungKook: Oh! What's wrong?

Yuju pretended not to hear him.

JungKook got closer to Yuju's ear.

JungKook: Yah! Can you hear me?!

Then everyone in the class looked at them.

JungKook: What are you all looking at? Huh?! Face forward!

Then everyone turned their heads forward.

JungKook faced Yuju.

Then he took out one side of her headphones.

JungKook: Yah, can you hear me?

Yuju: What do you want?

JungKook smiled.

JungKook: Seems like you're not deaf after all.

Yuju: Did you think I was?

JungKook: Yes, cause you didn't answer me.

Yuju laughed.

Yuju: I didn't answer because I couldn't hear you, I just didn't want to talk to you.
(She said not even looking at JungKook.)

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