Chapter 10

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JungKook slowly walked up behind Yuju's door.

Which was slightly opened.

He could see Yuju moving in her things.

Yuju was moving her desk, and she almost dropped it on top of her.

Jungkooo saw and quickly ran over and held it.

Yuju was shocked.

JungKook put back upward.

Yuju: Thank you.
(She said awkwardly.)

JungKook smiled.

JungKook: Sorry.

Yuju was confused.

Yuju: Why?

JungKook: For everything.
(Then he walked out slowly.)

Yuju was still confused, but she continued moving her things.


Yuju walked with JungKook to school.

Once they were almost inside the gate, Yuju stopped walking.

JungKook: What's wrong?

Yuju: You go ahead and walk inside first, I'll come in after you.

JungKook: Why? Can't we just walk in together?

Yuju: But it'll be weird.

JungKook: Anniyo.
(He said grabbing her hand, and dragged her inside.)

Yuju was flustered.

JungKook took her to the roof.

JungKook: Dance.

Yuju: Huh?

Then she went and got out her book, full of her dance choreographies.

She went through them smoothly.

JungKook smiled, looking at her dance.

Yuju: I saw you dancing to this, the other day.

JungKook: Huh? What are you talking about?
(He lied, faking.)

Yuju: Come on!
(She said dragging JungKook.)

Then they both went over the choreography.

They kept on smiling and laughing at each other.

After awhile, it started raining really hard.

JungKook tried to drag Yuju inside.

But Yuju didn't budge.

JungKook: Come on, let's go inside.

Yuju: Why? Just because it's raining?

Then she laughed.

JungKook was confused.

Yuju: I've always wanted to dance in the rain. You have to feel the rain. It's sad.. People would usually run inside shelter, but people don't know how to enjoy the rain.

Then she started dancing in the rain.

JungKook smiled at her.

After awhile, he joined Yuju.


Yuju and JungKook were both very wet.

JungKook threw a towel at Yuju.

She caught it, and started wiping her hair.

JungKook walked over towards her.

JungKook snatched her towel, and started wiping her hair carefully.

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