Chapter 8

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The next morning Yuju went to dance.

JungKook would always secretly watch Yuju dance in the morning.

Today, Yuju brought her acoustic guitar.

She took out a book that had some notes and words on it.

She made the book recently, because she wanted to make up sofa now too, to go with her dance.

She sat down on a chair.

She started to slowly play the guitar.

JungKook saw a security guy coming up the stairs, towards heir direction.

He ran towards Yuju and dragged her under the extra desks.

They had a cloth on top of it, so that they wouldn't get dusty.

JungKook dragged Yuju under there, while covering her mouth.

Yuju was startled.

JungKook: Sh..

They saw the security guy's feet.

Walking around checking the place.

It was a good thing, that he didn't see Yuju's things.

After the security guy went back down, Yuju and JungKook got out.

Yuju sighed.

Yuju: Yah! What was that for?

JungKook: You almost got caught. You should thank me instead.

Yuju laughed.

Yuju: There's no way I'm going to thank you.

JungKook: Jinga? Then I guess the only way to repay it.. Is that, you stick close to me, and do whatever I say!
(He said walking away.)

Yuju quickly ran up to him.

Yuju: Anniyo! I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry! Please!

JungKook ignored her.

Yuju stopped and sighed.

JungKook smiled.

Ten he walked back to class, while Yuju cleaned up.

JungKook sat down in his desk, staring at the door.

Waiting for Yuju to come in.

A few moments later, as Yuju was about to walk in.

She saw JungKook looking and decided to turn back.

JungKook saw, and quickly ran to catch up with her.

He grabbed her wrist.

JungKook: Yah! What are you doing? Are you lost? Class is this way.
(He said leading Yuju back to class. With a cute smile on his face.)

Yuju sighed.

At the end of class.

JungKook gave Yuju his notebook.

Yuju looked at him confused.

JungKook: Do my homework for me.

Yuju laughed.

Yuju: Why? I only have to follow you around.

JungKook: Araso. Come to my house with me after school. So we can do them together.
(He said with a smirk.)

Yuju: What?!
(She said shocked.)

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