Chapter 18

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First of all, I just wanna say Happy Birthday to JungKook! ❤️


The next day, Yuju walked to school.

While JungKook was stuck with walking with Lisa.

They got on the bus.

JungKook was about to sit next to Yuju, but Lisa pulled him towards her.

Lisa: Let's sit here.

JungKook sadly sat next to Lisa.

But he kept on looking at Yuju.

Lisa noticed.

So she made JungKook turn his head towards her.

Lisa smiled.

JungKook just kept a bored expression.

Lisa was visiting their school.


Once they got there, Yuju got off first.

And went to her class.

While JungKook had to go to the office with Lisa.


Yuju sat down with her head down on her desk.

Taehyung walked over.

Taehyung: Are you okay?

Yuju quickly sat up.

Yuju grabbed Taehyung's hand.

And walked out of the classroom.

They walked passed the office.

JungKook saw, and was about to run after them.

But then Lisa tugged onto him.

Taehyung: Where are you taking me?

Yuju dragged Taehyung to the roof.

They both sat down.

Yuju: I'm sorry.

Taehyung: Huh? Why?

Yuju: I kept my secret away from you.

Taehyung: What secret?

Yuju: I'm actually.. A.. Girl.

Taehyung was shook.

Taehyung: Wai.. Wait. Are you saying, you're actually not a guy?

Yuju: Ye. I'm sorry.

Taehyung smiled shyly.

Taehyung: Its okay.

Yuju: And I'm scared.

Taehyung: Wae?

Yuju: I like JungKook, but he had to get engaged. I'm scared that, his feelings for me will fade away.

Taehyung got sad.

Taehyung: Don't worry. There are many other guys.

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