Chapter 5

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The next day at school.

**In class

JungKook took a close look at Yuju while she was studying.

Yuju looked at JungKook confused.

Yuju: What?

JungKook quickly looked away.

Then when Yuju wasn't looking, he continued looking at Yuju.

He put his face on his palm, facing Yuju.

**End of class

Yuju gathered up her things.

Then she stood up.

JungKook grabbed her wrist.

Yuju looked down at JungKook confused and startled.

JungKook: Carry my bag for me.
(He said throwing his bag at Yuju.)

Yuju caught it.

Yuju: Aishh!

Then JungKook walked out.

Yuju: Yah! Wait for me!
(She said following JungKook.)

JungKook: Hurry!

***In the cafeteria

JungKook sat down at a table.

Yuju sat down across from him.

After a moment Jimin came and sat down next to JungKook.

JungKook and Yuju were both looking at each other in the eyes.

Yuju was giving him a glare, while JungKook was smiling while looking at Yuju in the eyes.

Jimin was confused.

Jimin: What are you guys doing?.. Ah! Staring contest! Okay!

Then JungKook snapped back to reality and blinked.

Jimin: Oh! JungKook you lose!

JungKook: What are you talking about?

Jimin: You blinked!

JungKook: Ugh, whatever.. Yah! Baekhyun, go get me lunch.

Yuju: Wae? You have hands and feet for a reason. So use them.
(She said standing up and walking away to get her lunch for her.)

JungKook: Yah! Aish!
(He said looking at Yuju walk away.)

Jimin: I'll go get it for you.

JungKook just sat there.

Thinking about what Yuju just said.

"You have hands and feet for a reason. So use them."

He started smiling.

Jimin and Yuju got back.

Jimin: Here you go.
(He said placing the tray in front of JungKook.)

JungKook just looked at Yuju.

Yuju sat down, and started eating.

JungKook: Yah! Baekhyun.

Yuju looked up at him.

JungKook: Feed me.

Yuju was taken aback at what he just said.

"Is he kidding me right now? I have to feed myself too!"
(She thought to herself.)

Yuju laughed.

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