Chapter 15

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A few days later, JungKook was able to get out of the hospital.


At school.

Yuju got there early, as always.

Today she didn't dance.

Instead she went into her classroom, and put in her headphones.

She put her head down on her desk, and she closed her eyes.

She fell asleep without noticing.

A few minutes later, other students started coming in.

Taehyung walked in and saw Yuju sleeping.

He slowly walked over to her.

He bent down to her level.

Taehyung: Baekhyun..

He smiled.

He left a piece of sweet bread, and milk on her desk.

Then he quickly walked away.

A few moments later, Yuju woke up.

She was confused and surprised to see the bread and milk.

JungKook walked in.

She took the bread.

Yuju: Who gave me these?
(She asked while whispering to herself.)

Taehyung looked over at her and smiled.

Yuju: Thank you!
(She said smiling.)

Yuju opened the bag.

JungKook sat down next to her.

He grabbed her wrist, before Yuju could eat the bread.

Yuju: What?

JungKook: You don't know who gave it to you, yet you still eat it? Aishh, what if they're trying to poison you?!
(He said seriously.)

Yuju: Ah, I'm hungry. And who would do such thing? Stop being so serious.

JungKook: You really don't know do you?
(He said grabbing the bread.)

Yuju: Yah!

JungKook froze and looked at her.

JungKook: What?

Yuju: That's mine!

JungKook took out the bread.

JungKook: Look at this.
(He said pointing to a green moldy part of the bread.)
You're want to eat this? Go ahead.
(He said giving it back to her.)

Taehyung didn't see that, he got his head.

He felt bad.

And he would've felt guilty if Yuju had eaten it.

Yuju: Nevermind! I don't want it anymore!
(She said crossing her arms.)

JungKook: You should be thankful!

Yuju: Thank you!
(She said not meaning it.)

JungKook: Yah! Say it properly!

Yuju turned over to look at JungKook.

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