Chapter 13

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After 5 hours of waiting, Yuju finally was able to go inside the room and see him.

Yuju quickly hurried inside.

She walked over to JungKook.

She looked at JungKook.

She started crying again.

Yuju: I'm sorry.. It's all my fault again.. I'm sorry, I keep on getting you hurt.

JungKook: Stop being so noisy.

Yuju looked at JungKook shook.

Yuju: JungKook?!.. Are you okay?

JungKook: I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy.
(He said laying back.)

Yuju: Right. I'll leave you alone now, so you can get some rest.

Yuju turned around about to leave.

JungKook: Stay.. Here.. With me.

Yuju slowly turned around.

Yuju: Huh?

JungKook: Accompany me. I don't like being alone here in the hospital.

Yuju laughed.

JungKook: I feel lonely, and bored. So stay here with me.. And watch me fall asleep, once I sleep, you can go to sleep.
(He said smiling at Yuju.)

Yuju: Araso. Just to pay back what I've done.. But I feel like this isn't enough.

JungKook: Having you be by my side is enough.
(Then he closed his eyes, and slowly drifted to sleep.)

Yuju smiled.

Yuju fell asleep before JungKook did.

She fell asleep in the couch.

She had a little blanket on top of her.

JungKook peeked over to Yuju with one eye opened.

He saw Yuju sleeping.

He smiled.

He carefully, and slowly walked over to her.

He pulled the blanket up to her chin.

Then he gently patted her head.

JungKook slowly walked back to his bed, and fell asleep with a smile on his face.


The next morning, JungKook woke up and turned to his left side.

Expecting Yuju to be there sleeping.

But no, she was gone.

JungKook quickly got up.

But then his right arm started to hurt.

JungKook: Ahh!!
(He screamed in pain.)

Then Yuju quickly walked in.

Yuju: What happened? Are you okay?

JungKook sighed.

JungKook: There you are.

Yuju: Huh? Oh, I went to get you breakfast. I have to go to school now. Enjoy your breakfast.
(She said about to walk out.)

JungKook: Wait!.. Can't you stay here with me?

Yuju: Sorry, I have to go now, or else I'm going to be late. Text me!
(She said rushing out.)

JungKook smiled.

JungKook: Araso.

Then he looked at the tray full of food that Yuju brought him.

He ate up, since it was from Yuju.

Then he got his phone.

He had 28 missed calls, from his parents.

He called his mother.

Jungkook's mother: JungKook! Where are you?!

JungKook: Eomma.. I'm in the hospital.

Jungkook's mother: Huh? Stay there, I'm coming right now!

Then she hung up.

JungKook sighed.

JungKook: When I said accompany, I didn't mean, this..

He decided to text Yuju.

JungKook: Are you on the bus?

Yuju: Yeah, did you eat the food I brought you?

JungKook: I did. I was delicious!

Yuju: 😂 That's good to hear. Oh, I have to go. Bye!

JungKook: Bye

Then Jungkook's mother walked in.

Jungkook's mother: Are you hurt anywhere?!
(She said holding JungKook and checking.)

JungKook: I'm fine, except my right arm just hurts.

Jungkook's mother: Ohmo! Who did this?! I shall make them apologize, and punish them!

Jungkook's eyes widened.

JungKook: No! You can't do that! I will not allow you to do so. And I'm not even seriously injured!

Jungkook's mother: No! This is all their fault! Tell me.. Who is it.

JungKook: Why do I have to?
(He said crossing his arms, and looking away.)

Jungkook's mother: Can't you see, I'm trying to do what's best for you? Can't you see my love for you?

JungKook: Anniyo! All you see is my fathers money, and wealth! You just want to be the chairmans wife! You don't even love me nor my father! You're fake! And my father won't believe me! Because.. He truly thinks that you love him.. You know the reason why my mother died right?!
(He said looking into her eyes deeply as they got watery.)

Jungkook's mother laughed nervously.

Jungkook's mother: Ah, what are you talking about? I do truly love you and your father.

Jungkook smirked.

JungKook: Really? How are you going to prove it? By punishing the person that got me hurt? That won't do anything, compared to how you even murdered my mother, just to get the spot of being the chairmans wife.. You even drugged my father to fall for you, and make him marry you! What are you going to do next? Try to kill me?!
(He said as his face got red.)
I'm sorry, I'm going for a walk.
(He said taking his crutches and wobbled out.)

Jungkook's mother laughed evilly after JungKook left.

Jungkook's mother: Who are you to tell me all those lies? Well, they could be true.
(She said with an evil smirk.)

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