Part 6: A Day We Won't Forget

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I opened my eyes and looked around. The room was pretty bright from the window. I must have slept in.

I thought back to last night. It was perfect. The whole day far exceeded my expectations, but being with Draco last night were moments that caught me totally off guard in the best way imaginable. I will never forget the way I didn't want it to end.

He kissed me. Honestly, my head screamed too soon, or this couldn'twouldn't ever fruition into a real relationship. But all of my common sense remained blissfully smothered in the back of my mind. Not a bone in my body fought my heart or the feelings that were developing by the minute. When he kissed me, I felt something that I had never felt before. I still had that giddy and happy feeling in my stomach. I couldn't stop thinking of it. Of him.

The all of the moments of last night after sunset flooded back, "I'll see you soon, Autumn," he said smiling back at me after walking me to my cabin and kissing me on the cheek. My cheek tingled in my memories.

I stretched out my arms and took a deep breath. A smile came across my lips as I turned over on my side and looked at the clock. It said 10:30am. I slept in way longer than I was used to but I reminded myself I didn't turn in until late.

I sat up, grabbing my sketchbook. I fixed up the sketch from last night, cleaning up edges and adding in small details. Then I decided to make a small addition to the bottom left corner — Draco and I sitting atop that rocky cliff as the sun set over the mountains.

While I was finishing up my last few strokes, I saw an owl flying through the forest canopy and right to my window. I didn't recognize this one. He was an eagle owl. I could tell by his dark colors and size.

My owl, Oaklyn, was at home. She is a beautiful barn owl with stunning red and black colors splattered throughout her feathers. My birth mother and father rescued her in Oak Forest during a night broom ride while they were pregnant with me. They had found her abandoned without her mother when she was nearly 1 week old, starving to death. My mother, having experience with caring for animals, nursed her back to health either the help of little Cody. She was the sweetest owl and felt fondly towards us all. I missed her, she was my only loving connection to my parents besides Cody.

This new unrecognizable owl started pecking at the window. I opened it and he flew in, dropping the letter on the bed and then sat on my desk. I nuzzled the owl on the head and picked up the letter. It read:


Good morning. I hope you've slept well. Meet me at the ferry gates at 11:45am? I have a surprise, if you care to join me for the day.

Hope to hear back from you soon,

P.S. Come prepared to swim.

My heart fluttered. I wasn't expecting to see him until the dinner tomorrow night with our families. I wrote a note back:


I hope you slept well, too. Last night was the most pleasant surprise. I would love to see you today.

See you very soon,
Autumn xo

The owl was still waiting on my desk so I gave the owl the note back and he flew off quickly.
I looked at the time, it was 11:00am. I had to start getting ready. I quickly ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower, got dressed into a bathing suite and romper and started heading down to get breakfast. The weather was beautiful, only a few clouds in the sky.

I walked into the cafeteria at about 11:30am so I had 15 minutes to eat before I met Draco at the ferry. There was a fair amount of people in here so I walked right to the line. I got a New York style bagel and can of Perry's Prickly Pumpkin Juice. I paid and then went to go find a table to eat at.

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