Part 5: A Beautiful Sunset

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We were on the water for about 5 hours and had went through many of the mini rivers and got off at one, walking through a few trails. We all headed back to the dock to get a late lunch at the cafeteria. It was around 3 o' clock by the time we finished eating.

Rachel and Aaron had to go to get cleaned up and ready because their family was having dinner together. Kara was really tired so she just went back to her cabin. Seth went to go hang out with some other people from school — he seemed a lot like Theo, a social butterfly.

I started walking back to my cabin clean myself up, get in some fresh clothes, and grab my sketchbook. I was looking forward to an evening by myself to draw and paint at the overlook I spotted yesterday.

The hot shower felt like heaven on my muddy skin. Some of the hikes lead to waterfalls which were equipped with lots of muddy access points. I didn't feel like doing my hair any extra so I just let it air dry into loose waves as I got dressed into ripped Jean shorts, a tank, and an dark green boyfriend button down that I tucked in slightly in the front. I threw on some tinted moisturizer and mascara, my usual. I loved my freckles that my mom gave me, as I was told by Cody, so I was never into heavy makeup which always felt like it hid them.

I wrestled my sketchbook out of my tightly packed luggage. It was more like a large leather folder with a notebook and loose pages in it. Cody got it for me for my birthday last year. I admired my initials printed into the leather spine. The edges were worn from many days of use and me lugging it around most places I went. I grabbed a few pencils, sticking them in my back pockets and headed out the door.

When I got there I saw a group of males and one familiar face among them. It was Cody. He waved and walked over to me.

"Hey, you lot, this is my sister Autumn."

They all said various forms of 'hello' and I smiled and waved back, noticing Fred and George in the mix. Cody yelled over to them, "I'll catch up with you guys".

"So did you meet anyone yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, a few people actually."

"That's great, who?"

"Four Slytherin students — Theo introduced me to them and then disappeared."

He chuckled, "surprise, surprise."

"Same thing I thought too. Social butterfly that one. Luckily they were all really amazing. I could definitely see myself spending time with them again."

Cody had a soft smile on his face when he said, "See, Hogwarts won't be too hard to fit into like you thought," he said.

"Yeah, maybe not," I said apprehensively back.

"Well, I am going to catch up with that group again. A few of them might be at my new employment so I'd like to continue acquainting myself with them. Please be careful and bring your wand with you next time — please," he said eyeing my back pockets filled with pencils and no wand.

"Why would I need it here," I said smirking as I turned on my heel to begin walking again. "See you at dinner tomorrow!" and I shouted back to him.

"Wait, Autumn," I heard Cody shout back so I stopped and turned on my heels.

"Everything has been... okay?" Cody asked, his eyebrows rose in a blend concern and curiosity.

"Uhhh, yeah. And why are you asking?"

"No reason... but I am serious, don't forget to carry your wand with you. You never know when you'll need it..." he said and he ran off before I could question him more. Strange, once again Cody.

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