Part 2: The Very Start

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"Autumn, it's going to be okay. I promise," a tall and lean, but frightened six-year-old boy whispered into his little sister's ear. He was rubbing her arms gently while she sat trembling in his lap.

"Mumma? Dadda?"

"Shhh, dad said to be quiet, and stay here. He said, the man in the black cloak is very bad." The two siblings were sitting in a hidden dark coat closet upstairs. They could feel a cold breeze from a vent in the back and shivered.

Cody shook as he thought about why that man in that black cloak was bad? Why did dad carry us to the closet right before I could run up to the dining room where mommy and that man are in and tell me to take care of Autumn? All he wanted was his mum to give him and his little sister a big hug and kiss and tell them the bad man is gone.

Then there was a scream and Cody held Autumn tighter in his arms. It was his mum's scream. Tears started falling down his face. Things began smashing downstairs and words Cody didn't know were being snarled and yelled around the room. Autumn dug her little head into her brother's chest and tried to block out all the scary noises going on in the dining room.

Cody quickly scooted him and Autumn farther back into the closet as he heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the closet door, letting a long jacket that smelled like his mum fall in front of them. His heart began to race while tears continued to flow down his cheeks silently. Now the footsteps sounded like they were right in front of the door. He looked around the coat and at the bottom slit of the door and saw the shadow of two feet shine from the light. He watched as the doorknob started to turn. Cody pulled his sister even tighter now and looked away from the door. He squeezed little Autumn as close as he could get her to him. Autumn, sensing the fear from her brother but too young to understand, hugged him back in fear.

As the door opened, a light shined bright and Cody could slowly make out a face from behind his mum's jacket. It was a young man with glasses and shaggy hair.

He quickly said, "I'm here to help. My name is James Potter. I am going to take you somewhere safe," he said as Cody winced hearing only his daddy fighting downstairs still.

"Will you help our mum and dad?"

"Yes, I will come right back with others to help them, Cody. But we must go now."

Cody nodded and allowed the man to pick Autumn up. He reached down with his other hand and quickly took hold of Cody's hand as they rushed down the hall and into the closest room. They could still hear chaos on the floor below.

"Cody, hold on to my leg," he quietly said and let go of his hand. "Hold on tight."

Cody did as he was told and Autumn hid her face on the man's shoulder, starting to cry as she heard the fighting getting louder and closer.

A second later, everything went dark and swirly for the two siblings. Cody felt suffocated, like when he would use floo powder with his mum when she would take them to go shopping.

~End Flashback~

I grabbed all of my bags and stepped into the beautifully built fireplace in the Manor we just moved to with our adoptive parents, Ara and Angus Fraller. Cody, my brother, stood beside me, towering at a 6'2, and handed over some floo powder. He resembled me so much but as he got older, he began to look more and more like our father with his ivory skinned freckles and Sandy brown hair he wore short on the sides and slightly longer on the top, curls adding lots of texture to it.

I gave him a smile and said clearly, "Evergreen Lodge", throwing down the floo powder. A brilliant green flame the color of his eyes flew up.

I got that overwhelming suffocating feeling. When it ended I was in a brick fireplace in a huge room with tons of people running around with bags. We both stepped out and aimlessly explored the space. It looked like a lobby and people of all ages were hectically scowering the large room, trucking their luggage bags along behind them. I looked around more closely as I waited for my brother and adoptive parents to come through the floo powder network. There were many witches and wizards all around my age, Cody's age, all the way down to toddlers. They all had their parents with them, pointing them in a certain direction and some scolding their children for running or yelling too loudly.

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