Part 7: A Magical Evening

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Draco walked out from the bathroom as I was sprawled out on the bed still. He suddenly looked distracted. I stood up and looked up at him. He was at least a whole head taller than me; I felt so tiny next to him. His bright blue eyes looked down at me and I saw a small smile creep across his face. I smiled back and waited for him to kiss or hug me.

I was taken back when he said in an unsettled, monotone voice, "The door I just came through is the bathroom. I put some fresh, warm towels out for you. There is soap, shampoo, and conditioner on the counter that you can use." He paused, which caught my attention more. He seemed concerned all of the sudden. He had a very plain expression on.

I looked him in the eyes and noticed that they lost their softness I was used to. I felt an iciness to them all of a sudden. He didn't look back at me, almost distracted and not even noticing my yearning for affection so I started to walk to the bathroom without a word, feeling so confused. It looked like he was trying to hide something.

"Oh..." he said.

I turned around to face him as he started to speak. Maybe he realized that I was a bit taken back by his mood swing. "If you leave your clothes by the door I'll wash them for you and put them back in before you finish showering."

"Okay, thanks..." I said and continued to walk to the bathroom. Still confused as shit.

- Draco's POV -

I was getting the bathroom ready for Autumn. I pulled out fresh soap, shampoo, conditioner and warmed up a towel for her, setting it all on the marble countertop. I walked back to the bedroom and she was laying sprawled out on the bed. When she saw me coming out, she stood up and looked up at me playfully. Her teal green eyes sparkled in the window light. Damn, she is so beautiful. The more she gets comfortable, the more I fell for her.

Her silly stature made me crack an unintentional smile. I don't know how she does that... I was taught to be stoic and cold but she just softens me up so easily.

I was going to kiss her but then I felt a pang of guilt. My face flushed from the racing thoughts that just came to my mind... There is such a looming dark future for her and she has no idea yet. I hated that I was probably the one who was going to have to tell her eventually and hopefully not completely break her playful, carefree spirit... As much as I loathed Harry Potter, I recognized the dangerous life he lived and almost now sympathized sometimes; he was born into the mess and danger followed him ever since he stepped into Hogwarts. That was what awaited Autumn. I wanted to just take her away in an instant to somewhere the Dark Lord would never find her, if I could.

I didn't want to spoil this day with Autumn, though. I want her to have some amazing memories before I have to tell her everything and turn her world upside down, at least for as long as she will be safe not knowing. I want her to feel normal and free, but yet I felt nothing of the sort. I carried a guilt hiding this from her and I couldn't shake that emotion in this moment, so the best I could do was be by myself while she showered and try to compose myself for the time being. I tried to grab my breath to control my pitch, and said, "the door I just came through is the bathroom. I put some fresh towels out for you. There is soap, shampoo, and conditioner on the counter that you can use."

She immediately sensed something was off. She nodded her head and started to walk to the bathroom.

"Oh..." I said. She turned. "If you leave your clothes by the door I'll wash them for you and put them back in before you finish showering." She seemed disappointed again but nodded her head and kept walking to the bathroom for a shower.

"Thanks," she said as she kept walking to the bathroom. Fuck, I suck...

Once she was in the bathroom, I quickly walked out front. The cool evening fresh air felt so good. I took deep breaths as I leaned on the cabin patio railing. My flushed face slowly started to relieve itself now that I was alone, but my mind? Hell no, it was still racing a mile a minute.

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