Part 8: Shedding Some Light

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I stretched out reaching for Draco. He wasn't there; his gentle hold I felt earlier was gone and instantly I had a moment of disappointment wash over me. I slowly opened my eyes to look where he was, but instead was greeted with a bright morning sun spilling through the large panoramic cabin window. As my eyes focused from a groggy blur, I could make out a thin silhouette standing in front of the window. There was an owl screech, followed by wings starting to flap and soar off. As my eyes came into full focus, I saw Draco was by the window and had just sent a letter out.

He turned around and noticed that I had stirred. He smirked and said softly, "Good morning, mea lux..." as he started to cuddle into me. Unable to control my blushing, a shy smile crept across my face. Draco nestled in next to me and all I wanted to do was relax into his arms that I sincerely missed a few moments ago. "Mmmmm...", I mumbled as I melted into him which responded to him hugging me a little closer.

After a few minutes of basking in Draco's affections, I stretched out onto my back and sat up in bed and asked, "what time is it?"

"9:24," he said sitting next to me on the bed.

"We should get up to catch breakfast and do something fun, ey?" Autumn offered.

I went back to my cabin to shower and put on some fresh clothes. As I got ready for the day, I started wondering how Draco and Cody would get along. Cody has been my rock my entire life and the only one who really understands the lack of love and compassion we live without. But he always seemed to find the silver lining when I just couldn't see it anymore.

After my shower, I let my hair air-dry into my long relaxed waves and quickly threw on a comfy tank, shorts, tied a light flannel around my hips in case it got cold later, and my usual light makeup. I was just finishing up when Draco arrived with a knock at the door.

I went to grab my wand but decided against it, not knowing if I would really need it at all. I opened the door and slid out, sneaking a quick kiss on Draco's cheek who was waiting outside for me. Smirking, he grabbed my hand and we started walking off to the cafeteria, chatting the whole way about what we should do after breakfast. We decided on a horseback ride.

As we walked into the large log cafeteria I had become fond of, I noticed Rachel, Kara, Aaron, and Seth walking into the cafeteria as well. I ran up to them with Draco trailing behind, "hey guys!" I shouted to them. They turned around mid-step and all shouted a happy manner of "hi" back.

Then they noticed who was behind me and they all got wide-eyed. I knew why but I just smiled big at them as they waited for us to catch up to them. I quickly looked back at Draco and he looked a bit nervous. He grabbed my hand and said, "I have to go find Theo real fast. Catch up with your friends, I'll find you." I nodded and smiled, "see you in a few". He gave me a kiss on the lips and then walked off. There was clearly some awkwardness there still for him, though; hopefully, he could move on from that if we stayed together. But really, who am I to assume he didn't already have plans to find my cousin Theo, his friend also, to talk.

When I finally reached them and we all entered the cafeteria together, Seth immediately asked, "are you with Draco Malfoy?!" He wasted no time to ask, I chuckled to myself. "Ah, yeah, sort of" I answered a little bashfully. "He asked me on a date yesterday and I've been really enjoying his company."

"Why, though? He's such a jerk," Seth blurted out. Kara hit him in the ribs to shut up. "Ow, Kara!"

"He doesn't act like that to me," I said honestly.

"Really?" he asked genuinely shocked.

Then Kara said, "Oh shut up Seth. You should be happy for her! Not acting like her father."

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