Part 3: Meeting New Friends

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I saw the ferry at the end of the dock, loading people on. We ran over so we wouldn't miss it and got there right before they closed the doors. We looked around for an empty bench. Most of them were all full though. We finally found one in an open area but there were 3 people on it already. The three of them seemed to be my age. The girl had curly, light brown hair. She was very pretty, you thought. One of the guys had red hair and the other dark brown.

"Are these seats being saved?" I asked the girl softly.

"Oh, no. Feel free to sit." She said.

I sat next to her and Cody sat on the other side of me. I felt the boat start to move.

The girl said, "My name is Hermione and this is Harry and Ron." Harry Potter? Oh wow... Sadness washed over me as the 'Harry Potter topic' always reminded me of Cody and I's real parents and how they died.

I smiled at all of them and said, "My name is Autumn Levine and this is my brother, Cody Levine." Cody didn't say anything, surprisingly. He was just sitting there. He looked like he was thinking deep about something. I just ignored it and continued to talk with them.

"What school do you go to, Autumn?" Hermione asked.

"Well I used to go to Beauxbaton but I'm transferring to Hogwarts this year."

She lit up and spoke: "That's where we go. I have never heard of a transfer, but it was never documented that it can't be done either - in Hogwarts A History that is..." Hermione said.

"Yeah, I was bit shocked when I found out," I admitted.

"What house do you want to be in?" Ron asked curiously.

"I really don't care, nor do I know much about each. I am just happy to be here to meet some other students in my year while here. However, I did hear Slytherin wasn't as favorable? There were whispers from the ladies that went to Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard Tournament when they returned."

"You could say that again..." the red hair boy named Ron muttered.

"We are in Gryffindor... year 6..." Hermione stated.

"I'm year 6 as well," I exclaimed, happy to have sat by them now.

"We'll be seeing you plenty then. Do you know anyone else in Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"Yes, well, I have a cousin, Theodore Nott, that goes there."

"Oh, really? He's your cousin?" Hermione asked.

"Well, kind of... Through my adoptive parents."

Then out of nowhere, Cody anxiously says to Ron, "So your name is Ron Weasley?"

"Uhh, yeah." Ron said, caught off guard and probably recalling that he had never shared his last name with us.

"Do you have a younger sister and a few older brothers?"

"Yes, I do. Have we met?"

"Yes, I think we have, a long time ago. After Autumn and I's parents died," I noticed their faces soften, "we stayed with your family for a few weeks until being placed with a few different foster families."

"Wow, really?" Hermione said shocked by all of the information they had just receieved and glancing at Ron.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure," Cody answered. "Fred and George are the twins, a few years older than you, right?" I was just sitting there in silent shock as Ron started talking to Cody.

I didn't realize, but how would I; I was barely 2 years old at the time. I sometimes envied Cody for being able to recall more things than me, including our parents. I guess it was a blessing and a curse for him though, as he still has nightmares about that night that I will never understand like he does.

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