Part 4: Paving a New Path

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The next morning, I woke up to an owl pecking at my window. I rolled over and groaned, looking over grudgingly at the clock. It was 8am. I should probably get up now anyway since I was meeting Theo at 9am in the cafeteria.

I pulled myself out of bed and opened the window. The owl flew in and dropped the letter on the bed not even landing and flying right out again. I recognized it as my adoptive father's owl, Crane. I opened the letter and it said:


Two days from today, at 6pm, we will be having dinner at Framello's Restaurant with the Nott's and the Malfoy's. I believe you have never met the Malfoy's before. They have a son about your age. I expect you and your brother to be at your up most behavior, they are a very important wizard  family. Don't be late.

Your Mother

I threw the letter onto the nightstand and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I finished my shower, I quickly got dressed into a tank and shorts and put a hydrating cream in my hair so it would hold its natural wave. Before running out the door, I grabbed some sandals because Theo said something about canoeing at dinner last night. I decided to leave my wand behind and grabbed the cabin key, putting it in my pocket. I walked out the door, locked it behind me and started to walk the path to the cafeteria for breakfast.

I got there right on time. When I walked in, it was mobbed with wizards. The room had long wooden tables around it. As expected, it had a cabin theme to it with carved wooden animals in the corners and red flannel accents across the space.  I started to look for Theo.

After a few minutes, I heard "Autumn, here!"

I turned around and saw Theo waving me down with a group of people. I waved and walked over to him.

"Hey," I said.

"Everyone, this is my cousin, Autumn Levine. She is transferring to Hogwarts this year from Beauxbaton," he said to the group of people. Some of them acknowledged me and smiled, others didn't listen.

Theo came over next to me and said, "These are most of the Slytherin house. We are all going canoeing, want to come?"

"Yeah, sure," I said gratefully but remembering the comment I had heard about Slytherin house last night. I pushed it from my mind, giving everyone the benefit of doubt.

Two big males came over to Theo. Both were a bit round and held indifference in their facial expressions. "Crabbe. Goyle." Theo said with a nod, "This is my cousin, Autumn."

They didn't say anything; They didn't even look at me. "Where's Draco? Wasn't he suppose to come?" the taller one said. I immediately recognized the name from last night.

"Manners boys..." he rolled his eyes but continued, "yeah, he was but I don't know where he is," he told them. Then they just walked away.

"Here, I'll introduce you to some people that you might actually get along with," he joked.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me through another group of people.

~Draco's POV~

Damn, that girl at the bonfire last night was gorgeous. She stunned me so much so that I didn't even realize I had bit my tongue from spatting out my usual petty comments. I had froze, I didn't know what to say for once. That never happens. She made me feel calm. I wondered what her name was. I'm sure if I ask around, I can figure it out. I couldn't get those speckled green eyes and that long silky strawberry blonde hair out of my head. 

I looked at the clock, it was 8:30am. I got up to shower because had to meet some people from school to go canoeing. I probably wouldn't have gone but Theo wanted me to meet his cousin.

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