Part 1: Dear Journal

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"Dear Journal,

I don't ever write in a journal, and I probably never will touch this again after this entry. Or maybe I will, who knows... However, I have a lot going on right now and I feel like I have to get it out somehow. But to introduce myself, my name is Autumn Analee Levine. I am 16, a pureblood, have long & wavy auburn hair, speckled green eyes and lots of light freckles on my face. I am pretty shy at first and maybe that is why I have come to a piece of paper and quill to talk... The thing is, my family is moving to the UK; ironically, where I am originally from and where I desperately wish I could have stayed...

I, until very recently, was attending Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. The girls, still to this day, make fun of me for not having a French accent. Yeah, I know, I thought it would stop eventually too. Anyway, because of my adoptive father's work move, they are insisting I transfer to Hogwarts for my 6th and 7th year. Makes no sense why I would need to change boarding schools... but I'm definitely not complaining; I wasn't a big fan of ANY of the girls at Beauxbatons. A bit too... caddy? I'm more of a guy's girl, I think.

My adoptive parents, Ara and Angus Fraller,  are very rich; Ungodly, disgustingly rich, actually. They aren't around much because they are always working, so my brother and I have always enjoyed each other's company. Plus, my adoptive parents weren't the nicest people so my older brother really was the father figure to me growing up. His name is Cody Callum Levine and he's already graduated and has been working at the ministry's Department of Mysteries.

I hear from the grapevine, that we are moving because Angus just got offered a new position in the International Magical Relations department as the head of French Relations in London. It pays much better (not that we needed anymore money, we already had a mansion in Archamps, France and now a manor just outside of London). Cody was going to stay at the France mansion to keep working his ministry job in Paris, so I was happy when he decided to join us for this camping trip for the remainder of summer.

My real parents were Jack and Ferra Levine. I have heard from people and Cody, that they loved each other very much and that we all were a very happy family when they were alive. I wish that was still my life. They died when I was almost 2 by Lord Voldermort, a few months before he was killed by Harry Potter. We were then tossed around from magical family homes for about 4 years until we were officially adopted by the Frallers when I was 6. Cody and I kept our last names, though. 

I don't mind moving to the UK much; Cody and I became used to that. But needing to adjust to a whole new school in the 6th year... Don't get me started. Theodore Nott is my cousin, just through our adoptive family, but he is also Cody and I's friend and goes to Hogwarts, same year as me. Theo's family invited us to come to Evergreen Lodge, a huge pop-up wizardry campground, for 2 weeks where I could meet a lot of people that go to Hogwarts. My adoptive parents strangely accepted as they have never gone out of their way for my brother or I, let alone taken us on a vacation before. But, none the less, it makes me feel slightly more relieved that maybe I can make a friend or two before school starts. Cody and Theo tirelessly claim I have a very friendly and funny personality so I will be fine. I guess we will see...

Well as great as this has been journal, that is all I have.



P.S. Wish me luck please... Do journals do that type of thing?"


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