Really Meeting BTS

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Ae Sook's POV

I boom out Shakespeare lines in perfect English in the middle of the corridor all of a sudden.
"In sooth,
I know not
Why I am so sad!
It wearies me
You say it wearies you!
But how I-"

Ah Reum hit my head,"OWWW-"

And then covered my mouth,"MMM!"

She dragged to a nearby empty classroom and quietly closed the door.

"Ommo, my head!" I whined.

"MIJEOSO?!" She whispers screamed at me.


"You remember we got caught last time right? In our first week in this school. And then we got detention. For an hour. And then manager-nim scolded us for missing a dance practice" she said.

"Mianhe Ah Reum..." I said while lower in my head and pouting a little.

"And why were u reciting Shakespeare just now?! And that two something about being sad?!"

"I don't like this school, Winter" I said, using Ah Reum's stage name.

"I miss the friends we had there..." I whined.

"And the saesangs also?" She said sarcastically.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"You have to adapt to this school man, it's good for us, you know that!" She said, her voice getting a tad bit softer.

"Yeah, yeah! I know"

"So shut up and let's skip English class without getting caught for the 2nd time within two weeks!"

"Arasso! Gabsida!" I said enthusiastically while walking out the door.

"To the roof!" She said following me out the empty classroom.


Winter and I walked towards the table we've been sitting at with a gaggle of fangirls and fanboys following us.

We sat down while Winter and I signed a few peoples notebooks.

Then we started eating.

And then a girl ran into the cafetaria.

"BTS IS COMING!!!!" she said and everyone started squealing.

Ughhhh! Not those pabos.

"Breathe, Ae Sookie" Ah Reum said, calming me down with the childhood petname she kept for me.

I looked back down and continued to eat as soon as they walked in.

They're the 'kingkas' or whatever in this school.

After the squealing subsided a little, I could here footsteps coming towards our table.

I looked up to be greeted by Taehyung's signature smirk and I cringe.

Why the fudge muffin are they coming here?!

I clench my teeth as they stop before us.

"Join our table today" Taehyung says to Winter and me.

"No thank you, we're perfectly fine where we are" I said, scowling at him.

"Excuj meeee" A guy called... Jimin was it? Anyway, Jimin said cutely in English.

I gave Jimin a small smile, cuz come on, that was kind of adorable!

"Can you join our table? Only for today? Please?" Jimin continued, pouting and shutting his eyes tight.

Aw, he's so mochi!!!!

"Arasso, Jimin..." Winter said.

I gasped. A full blown gasp.

Did Winter just say yes to a... A guy?!


I flipped my head in her direction.


She ignored me and continued.

"If you let me call you Mochi Jimin for however long I want... Then we'll both join your table", she said with a smile.

Why is she showing interest in this boy... What is happening? Was my life always a lie?!

Jimin was taking this into consideration while I noticed every person from every table staring at our table and BTS.

Except that one girl... Who's... Scowling at her food?

I want to go ask her if I can eat her food for her. But that'll spoil my image, won't it?

"Arasso" Jimin finally says.

I glare at Ah Reum with big eyes.

"Does this mean we have to sit with them at... Their table?!" I whisper.

But everyone can hear me since the cafeteria's so quiet.

I can hear BTS slightly snicker at my statement.

"Isn't it obvious?" She said as she slowly slides out of her seat, nudging me to follow suit.

I frown at her and get out of my seat.

"Wae? You see a ghost behind us?" A tall and, I must say, extremely handsome guy with broad shoulders asks the people in the cafeteria, almost shouting.

"Anni? Then mind your own business!" He says, his eyes widening a little.

Wow. He looks like he can kill someone right now.

Once we're seated on our table and everyone's introduced themselves, BTS starts asking us questions.

"So... Where do you come from... I head your from LA?" Rap Monster says.

"Yep!" I say while stuffing my mouth.

"LA MAN!" Jimin says in english all of a sudden. Then he makes a face and puts his finger on his mouth and blows, spit flying all over J-Hope who was sitting opposite him.

"Dirty water touch my faceu! Don't touch my faceu!" J-Hope says in English.

Then they all start speaking in English.

"I'm international playboy!" Jungkook gives me a cute bunny smile.

"I rap like Jay-Z!" Jin says with a proud grin.

"Insfires man, yeah!" Sugar says while clasping Jungkook's hand pulling him in for a side hug.

"Oh! Shit down! Shit down!" Taehyung atarts, surprising me with the silliness of his voice, and I just have to laugh and I don't stop for a really long time.

"Uh, talkeu let's go!" Jungkook says.

I think I might enjoy their company!

I smile a little to myself trying to focus on one person speaking, which is really hard with six clueless boys throwing out random English words from their mouths.

"They're really bad at English... So you'll have to bear with them speaking random things..." Rap Monster says in fluent English, surprising me a little.

In no time Rap Mon, Ah Reum and I are having a conversation in fluent English with the other 6 clowns trying out the few English sentences that are known to them.

I think Iight be able to bear their company in the future...

Hey guys! How was the first chapter! Please give me feedback on the chapter, I would really appreciate it!



See you'll next chapter!

Lotta love!

~TaeTae's girl❤

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