First Day

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Ae Sook's POV


"I'LL GET IT!" I shouted from the living room.

Now who could it be, its freaking 8 am on a Saturday!

I opened the door with a tired face and messy wet hair since I was still getting ready for my packed schedule today.

"Fresh as ever!" V smirked at me.

Oh Lord! Thanks for the beautiful presence of the ultimate smirk-tastic asshole of my life.

I rolled my eyes and let him in.

He rolled a big blue suitcase in with a big black bag slung around his shoulder.

My dad told me to expect him and I prepared myself while having bath.

"Ommo! Is this your bodyguard V? Awwww, so cute!!!! I like him already!" my mom said, while V showed an adorable smile.(AN-Adorable smile on top!)

"Eommani! Mijeoso?! He's a devil!"

"Aish! This girl! He's going to protect you and this is how you talk? Where are you manners?" She asked.

"You lost them along with your brain, right?" V whispered so that only I could hear.

I hit his shoulder.

"Wae?!" he said.

"Aish! She'll never listen! Anyway, V, Ae Sook will show you your room. Get settled, arasso? Consider this your second home. I'll go make breakfast." She said.

"Eomma, I have to get r-" I started.

"It'll take you five seconds sweetie, do it for me... Jebal?" she said.


I sulkily dragged my feet up the stairs with V following suit.

I showed him his room and shut his door on his own face before getting into my bedroom to change.

"What to wear today?" I asked myself, staring at my huge closet.

I picked a black crop top with a hood and baby pink shorts. I put on my black nikes and tied a high ponytail after dabbing my hair with a towel. My stomach's growling!

I ran downstairs.

My mom and V were sitting at the table already.

I passed on a mini-glare to V and smiled innocently at my mom.

"Ommo! Pancakes! Gomawo eomma!" I said to her before digging into the four pancakes in my plate.

"I wonder how do you eat so much and still remain so thin" V whispered near my ear and I stamped on his foot.

"Om-" My hand flew upto his mouth to shut him up and he had to lick my hand, didn't he?

"Blech!" I squeaked and rubbed my sticky, wet palm on his black hoodie.

He was wearing a black hoodie, black pants and slippers.


Aish, Manager-nim came this fast?

I got up to get the door.

"Ae Sookie! Annyeonghasaeho!" Ah Reum said once I opened the door.

She was wearing a black hoodie, black leggings and black nikes... We bought the same shoes together.

"Annyeonghasaeho! How come your here?" I asked her.

"Wae? I can't see my best friend? And check if she's not crazier than I last saw her?" She said the last part softly.

"I wasn't joking! Come see for yourself!" I whined.

She entered and we both walked into the dining room.

"Annyeong Ah Reum-ah! Gwaenchana? How's school?" My mom asked, while I quickly gobbled down my pancakes.

"Fine Ahjumma! School's also coming to be fine" she said while V smirked at her too but she just straight up glared back at him.

Sass queen vs. Sass prince!

"Gabsida!" I said pulling Winter's hand.

"Wae? V has to drop you'll! We've hired him for a reason!" my mom said.

I rolled my eyes while Ah Reum slumped her shoulders. V slowly got up and took his car keys out of his pocket.

We headed out in this black truck-car thing.

"This is originally Jin's, he usually drives but for today I borrowed this from him because of the luggage" he explained while I called shotgun and I don't even know why.

The ten minute ride to our dance studio took forever thanks to Taehyung constantly changing the radio channel that I pick.

Eventually Ah Reum got annoyed and just switched the radio off.

So we sat in an uncomfortable silence the whole way. Yay.

When we finally reached, V told Winter and I to call him once we're done with practice and need to be dropped to the next place.

Ah Reum and I got off, went into the building and up the lift to be greeted by our bandmates Soonhee and Rebecca.

Soonhee was wearing a black tube top and cargo pants with a black beanie and Rebecca was wearing all red with a loose black shirt tucked into her shorts.

Soonhee and Rebecca have almost nothing in common but they stick together always. I mean, Ah Reum and I are close to pole opposites too, but we have lots in common as well.

We started stretching a bit after greeting each other.

We were practicing for a concert that was coming up in a week.

After two hours of practice we were so tired.

We all drank water and sat around for a bit.

We had one more hour of practice then we had to go for an interview for a magazine.
And the interview takes place an hour away from our studio.


V took all four of us for the interview and we settled on one radio channel and it was not uncomfortable whatsoever.


I was hungry so we decided to head out for lunch to a local korean food place.

As soon as we entered there was a crowd at the doorway. V helped guard the doors and stuff, I guess he was quite helpful in giving us some privacy.

After food we had another interview and then we had to meet manager-nim for something and the rest of the day was packed and uneventful and tiring and I felt like melting into my soft pillow back at my home with the air conditioner on, Wattpad in my hand and my favourite music playing.

Aish! I can't wait for a normal Saturday!

Hey guysssss!!!! Well I stayed up till 2am writing this just to prove to my best friend that I can update on time (where you at? You seeing this?) and also 'cause I'm genuinely bored and have nothing to do except finish Playful Kiss, read Wattpad, watch funny BTS videos on YouTube, read a boatload of books that are piling up on my shelf and update my other books😕

Oh well, only one week of holidays and I have some homework too. What am I doing with my life? Ugh.

Anyway enough ranting, Mianhe!

I hope you like the chapter! Please give me feedback through comments! I would really appreciate it! And sorry for the typos, I was half dying to listen to BTS and fall asleep!

Pls vote, comment and even share if ypu want!

Lotta love!

~Tae's girl❤

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