We could use your help...

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Ae Sook's POV

"Where are we going? Are you kidnapping me? Excpet for the fact that I willingly got into the car. Are we there yet? What is happening? Why don't you tell me already?" I ask as I sit in the passenger seat of the car, bored out of my mind.

"Why don't you just keep your mouth shut and be happy your not spending your free Friday evening at home getting bored" Taehyung asked, taking his eyes off the road to stare at me.

I flashed him a fake smile and a thank you and rolled my eyes.

I dropped my head down in defeat. No point wasting any energy.

We reach a kind of barren and familiar place.

"Heyyyy are we going to your "headquarters"" I say, making air quotes.

"Yep!" He answered and looked back at the road.

I stared at the sky around me it was nearing late evening so the sun was setting. It was a bright red-orange sun and the sky was blue, pink and purple and streaked with clouds.

It looked so pretty and you could see the light moon on one side of the sky.

I could feel Taehyung's gaze on me as I smiled and stared out his window.

I realised I was nearly sitting on him.

I gihgled a sorry and moved away.

He grinned a boxy grin.

"Your dimples are illegal" He says.

I jerk back in my seat and stare at him, my cheeks slowly turning red.

A deep red slowly tinges Taehyung's cheeks as well.

"I-I mean u-um... That's a line for our new song!" He says.

This is a first.

"Okay" I say after clearing my throat, my eyes wide.

He keeps his eyes at the road and murmurs something which sounds like a string of cusses.

I continue staring out the window when we finally reach after what seems like forever.

"Wait why am I here?" I ask, looking confused while staring at the boys' headquarters.

"Why are we here you mean. We are here so that... I can show you my ladybug best friend!!!!


What is with this kid??

"Gabsida" he said, grabbing my hand and walking towards the lonely building.

When we walk towards the I can hear soft music playing.

This is damn catchy.

Taehyung allows me to enter first and as soon as he opens the door I'm hit with a wave of loud music.

Wait! Is this what they meant when they said they write their own songs and sing them amd dance and stuff?

Rap Monster was standinf next to Suga and adjusting something on a laptop attached to speakers while J-Hope, Jimin and Jungkook were practicing dance moves. Jin was watching over Rap Mon's shoulder with a blank expression on his face.

"Ah! Finally someone!" Jin smiled as soon as he saw me and he walked towards me.

I grinned at him.

"Bored are we?" I said.

"They're all so focused, I'm proud of them"

I grinned.

"So why am I here again?"

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