That's not the only reason though

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Ae Sook's POV

I had a nice long shower and came out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around my body.

I looked at my phone as I disconnected it from the speaker after a One Direction song played. I love those boys.

A blush ran up my cheek as I saw a message from Namjoon and I quickly opened it.

Hey I'm sorry for it being so sudden but can we postpone our date a little?

I looked at the message in confusion.

Yeah sure. But what's up?

Nothing much. Just a little surprise ;)

I smiled as I looked at the messages. I hate surprises and all but hell, am I excited!

Pick you up at 19:00?

Yep! See you then!

I smiled as I kept my phone down, taking out a pair of pyjama pants and a random tshirt.

I can't believe that I let Taehyung smell my morning breath though... I'm embarrassed.

I was about to change when the door opened. I jumped holding the towel a little closer to my body as Taehyung walked in casually.

"Your mom's asking i-" he suddenly stops as his cheeks turn red and he slowly backs out of my room closing the door behind him.

I let out a sigh as I quickly changed.

"Come in" I said softly.

He came in and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"How many times have I told you to knock" I say as I walked to my bed and slumped on it.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. Your mom was wondering whether you'll be there for lunch. Should I say no?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"I thought you were going on a-" he cleared his throat uncomfortablely.

"We're going for dinner" I said, understanding what he meant.

He nodded and walked out of my room closing the door behind him.

Man, I give up on that boy.

I leaned back on my bed and shut my eyes.

Time to call Jin.


"So he really likes a girl who can pull off a plain white T-shirt with jeans" Jin says as he opens my wardrobe.

"Oooh nice wardrobe!" He grinned.

I smiled.

Jin came at the exact time I asked him to and he greeted my parents politely and then stormed into my room.

So here we are picking out clothes for the date.

Jin pulled out a plain white T-shirt from my closet and I bent down and pulled out my ripped jeans.

"Shoes? Can I wear my high tops? Please?" I asked, joining my hands and facing him.

He flashed me his swoon-worthy grin and said, "You honestly didn't need me. If you can pick the right shoes then you could have definitely picked the right clothes."

I smiled and pulled out my white high tops.

"You don't have red though?" He asks me.

"No, I have red in normal converse, not high tops" I said as I shook my head.

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