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Ae Sook's POV

I'm getting ready for the party tonight which starts in... 1 hour!

Enough time, I think.

This is the first actual party my parents are allowing me to go to, since all 7 boys are going to be there all the time.

I opened my coordinated closet and went through my dresses.

Should I even wear a dress?!

I inched my way over to the cupboard on the side and squatted. I opened it and pulled out a white floral print skirt and got back to my wardrobe. I picked out a white, fitting, cropped lace top.

I put on white heeled boots with laces and stood in front of the mirror.

Hm. Good.... But something's missing...

I pulled open a drawer and pulled out a white knitted beanie and wore it.


I grabbed a small white sling purse and shoved my phone and my lip gloss in it and put everything of mine by.

As soon as I got out of my room, Taehyung's room across mine opened.

He was wearing a white V-neck t-shirt which clinged on to his body perfectly, forming a V shape from his broad shoulders to his torso, and he wore black trousers with white converse. His brown hair fell in a perfectly messy way. His height just heightened his looks.

"Hey" I said quietly.

"Namjoon coming?" He asks with a smirk as he slid his hands into his pockets.


He began walking down the stairs and I followed him with my head down as a blush slowly crept up my cheeks.

Shit he looks like God's freaking masterpiece.

Namjoon. Focus on tonight's... Date?

Is he even my 'date' as such?!

The bell rang, interrupting my confusing thoughts.

Taehyung reached the bottom of the staircase and walked straight to the door.

"Annyeonghasaeho V oppa!" I heard a sickly sweet and high pitched voice say.

"Annyeong" He said dully.

"Gabsida!" The girl said.

I neared the door and saw someone's red manicured hands around Taehyung's arm, which was still in his pocket.

I cringed.

He looked up and saw my face and smirked.

"See you there" he said as he walked out and the shut the door behind him.

"Aish, that boy just gets on my nerves" I said loudly as I nearly stomped my foot,but then the bell rang.

I got alert, smoothened my skirt and my hair and I walked to the door.

"Annyeonghasaeho Ae Sook-ah!" Namjoon said in a bubbly voice.

He was wearing full black today, black t-shirt which clung to him well, too, black fitting jeans and black converse.

Wah. Why does every boy look good today?! Am I under some sort of spell?!

"You look cute" he says as he smiles shyly, his dimples on full display.

I can't help but drink him in, his tall figure making me look up at him.

"Shall we go?" He said as he gave me his hand to hold.

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