Japan Break 2

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"Hey! Wake up! We'll get late" I heard Soonhee whisper loudly im as she went around waking the three of us up.

"Is it time already?" I ask sleepily as I sit up and yawn.

She nods and focuses on waking Becca up.

I walk over to Ah Reum.

This is going to be tough.

"Ah Reum unni? Ah Reum unni? Ah Reum? Winter? Come on, we've got a plane to catch. Ah Reum-ah?" I said as I shook her gently.

She swatted me away and I ducked.

"Ah Reum-ah, you don't want me to take your blanket off right? Come on" I said.

"Mm mm" she mumbled.

I sighed as I stared at her sleepy face.

"I'll give you time till I freshen up" I say with a sigh as I get up.

"Given up already?" Soonhee asks as Becca sits up with her eyes closed.

I walked to the washroom and by the time I came out Becca was up and rushing aroynd the room, Soonhee was asking everyone what was whose and shouting at us to pack up quickly... And Ah Reum was lying peacefully asleep in bed.

I sighed for the millionth time and walked to her side.

"Ah Reum you have got to get up! We'll get late! I really want to go home you know! We'll miss even more studies!" I say as I shake her.

"Mm mm"

"Stop mumbling! Get up! I'm taking this blanket off!" I say as I tug at the blanket.

"No!" She said in a somewhat normal voice.

"It's too cold" she mumbles again.

I slowly pull off the blanket and she finally gets up.

"Aish! Don't man me talk so much in the morning" she mumbles as she sits up.

I leave her alone as I change and do some last minute packing.

When Becca comes out Ah Reum goes in and within 20 minutes we're all zipping up our bags getting ready to leave.


"Manager-nim said he would he would be there today to take us to the airport, didn't he?" Ah Reum said as she checked the time on her phone.

I nodded.

"I'll call him" I said as I dialed his number. After a few rings he picked up.

"Yobuseyo?" He said in a sleepy, muffled voice.

"Dae manager-nim? Its Ae Sook" I said.

"Ah Ae Sook. What's up?" he said and I heard some shuffling.

"Um, don't we have a flight to catch?" I said doubtfully.

"Didn't that boy, what's his name? Ah, V tell you?" He said in confusion.

"No? What?"

"Those boys, whoever they are, said that the 4 of you'll don't have to return home just yet and you all can stay for longer. I think they've planned something maybe" he says.

"Arasso..." I said as my face contorted in confusion.

"What's up?" Soonhee asked me.

"Kahmsamnida manager-nim, annyeong" I said and cut the call.

"I think... We don't have a plane to catch?" I say doubtfully.

"Explain" Ah Reum said.


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