chapter i.

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She was once strong. She was once formidable. She was golden and she was everything you could ever imagine. She was loved by everyone. No one ever once spoke poorly behind her back - not that there was ever anything poor to say. Her people loved her. They worshipped her. She was everything a Queen should be. She was kind and thoughtful yet had the heart of any man or King. She was beautiful. She was a Lannister and was almost the spitting image of her older sister, only younger. She had long golden hair that gleamed in the sunlight and she had those eyes, the kind you could look into for years and never get bored of.

But the woman that rode into the Lannister camp was not the same. She had been broken into a million pieces. She had lost everything that was ever important to her and nothing gave her even the slightest bit of comfort. She was a broken women. Taliya had been a mother of two beautiful sons. One of ten and seven and the other of just ten and five. They had been ripped out of her life when the chose to fight with the young wolf against the Lannister forces. Her own family's forces. Her father's men had showed no mercy to the part Lannister boys and they were slaughtered on the battlefield beside their father.

Lord Tywin had the pick of any of the lords for his youngest daughter to marry yet he had chosen the small, but noble lord of House Dustin. A norther lord that after Robert's rebellion, her father had hoped would secure an alliance between the north and the west. Her sister had married Robert after he had won the war which secured the alliance between the west and the crown and Taliya married Lord Dustin the same year when she was of just ten and six.

She had despised their marriage at first. Her lord husband was at least ten years older than her and he had already bore three bastard children. But, nevertheless, she married the little lord of nowhere and bore two of his children.

The journey to the Lannister camp was long and it was tedious which did not help her mood one bit. She had rode down from Borrowton in the north, her home, as soon as she heard of her boys' deaths. The northerners may have loved her when her husband was their Lord, but they were at war and she was a Lannister. When the news finally reached her she had quickly scrambled a few of her belongings. The last memories she had of her family. She had got on her horse, got the only two guards she knew were loyal to her and she never looked back. That was her life. That little castle. Her life for nearly twenty years, but now it was her past.

It was only a few weeks of travel before Taliya and her two guards reached her father's forces who were travelling to the Lannister camp which was on the western side of the Riverlands. Everything around her looked the same as where she had came from, only the slightest bit warmer than the weather that she had been used to up in the North. She had lived up in the North since she was a teenager and she had never quite gotten used to the weather. So the Lannister was a little pleased that the weather was a little more like the weather she was used to back at her home at Casterly Rock. But, nevertheless, she was going to be back with her family.

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