chapter vi.

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"I Joffrey of the house Baratheon, first of my name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the Realm do hereby proclaim my grandfather Tywin Lannister the saviour of the city and the hand of...

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"I Joffrey of the house Baratheon, first of my name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the Realm do hereby proclaim my grandfather Tywin Lannister the saviour of the city and the hand of the King."

Lord Tywin rode across the room on his white stallion. Everyone watched as her father, the saviour of the city, accepted his new position as Hand of the King.

Cersei was sat next to her son, the King, ever so smugly. Taliya, on the other hand, hadn't seen my father since he told her he was going to make her marry again. He bowed his head to the young King, "thank you your grace," he spoke before turning his white stallion and leaving.

"Lord Petyr Baelish step forward," Joffrey called as Little Finger bent down in front of the blonde haired boy, "I declare that you shall be granted the castle of Harrenhal with all its attendant lands and incomes to be held by your sons and grandsons from this day until the end of time," he finished.

"You honour me beyond words your grace," Petyr lied, "I shall have to acquire some sons and grandsons," he joked receiving a laugh from the crowd as he looked at Taliya willingly. She had shaken her head gently to him as he glanced once more at her before turning to the King.

They had won. Their father added another victory to his name and even more power and fear too. But even though everyone knew Lord Tywin was the only reason why they were not all dead King Joffrey still claimed, with much smugness, that he himself had one. What Taliya wouldn't do to see the back of that boy.

"Taliya," she heard a voice call as she sat by herself in the Red Keep's gardens,

"Lord Tywin," she replied with a smile as she turned to face her father,

"you look happy here," he commented as he sat down in the seat opposite her,

"father, I would like to know how you know what I look like when I am happy," the young Lannister snapped back with limited expression on her face.

Lord Tywin hated seeing his daughter upset with him. She may have done a very good job hiding it, but she couldn't hide it from everyone. She was far to similar to Joanna. She would purse her lips  together showing her annoyance, refuse to look at him and show no expression her face. Taliya was exactly the same. Even though she had only just had her fourth nameday when her mother passed, she still somehow managed to replicate her mother in every way.

"Are you happy here?" Lord Tywin asked his youngest daughter,

"has my happiness ever been a concern of yours?" the golden hair Lannister asked bitterly as she looked across to her father,

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