chapter xv.

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            Her nephew's wedding was never going to be forgotten and her family would never be the same

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            Her nephew's wedding was never going to be forgotten and her family would never be the same. She knew Tyrion had not killed Joffrey, Jaime knew, their father knew and everyone else in the seven kingdoms knew, but Cersei would not believe it. No one would have blamed Tyrion if he had, many would have even rejoiced because of the way the young boy had treated Lady Sansa and anyone else the boy felt needed their happiness crushed. He was a cruel and horrid little boy and many wondered why someone had not done it soon, but, nevertheless, Tyrion had not.

"I cannot quite believe her," Taliya muttered as she sat in the gardens of the Red Keep with her brother beside her,
"this is our sister we are talking about," he replied looking to her, "I wouldn't put anything past her,"
"never thought I would hear those words leave your mouth, brother," Taliya replied giving him a skeptical look,
"she is the one putting our little brother on trial, dear sister,"
"she has her reasons, Jaime, no matter how contentious they may be," the younger of the two Lannisters replied as she looked into his striking green eyes that perfectly mirrored hers,
"I suppose she does," the King's guard returned with a sigh as he turned his gaze to ground,
"do you think Tyrion stands a chance?" she questioned not knowing herself what might happen to their dearest baby brother,
"frankly i could not tell you," he replied giving her an disheartened glance, "i pray to the all of the Gods that he does,"
"do not leave Tyrion's fate to the Gods, Jaime," Taliya said with a shake to her head, "have you ever once listened to father?"
"it may be the last bit of hope we have."

There had been points in time at the Rock when her little brother had been her only companion. He had been her sidekick, full of mischief and as thick and thieves. They were inseparable and without fail she had always been his biggest supporter and most faithful friend when Tyrion had no one else. He was the only one was that frequently dropped by to see her when she was isolated in the cold and isolated North and no one else did.

She could not face going to his trial. She could not bare to witness Cersei lying through her teeth even if she was convinced it was the truth. She could not be a bystander in watching her own brother be falsely accused of a crime he did not commit nor watch her father pass this sentence. She knew he would fight for justice, but Cersei would wage a war over the death of her son and that's what she did.

finally got around to updating this after maybe year?! Oops and i'm sorry it's short but i just wanted to get something out as i've been stuck on this chapter for quite literally a year (i will add/edit at some point)
BUT also thank you guys for 90k reads! that's crazyyy 🦋🦋

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