chapter xvii.

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            They stood in silence watching over their dead fathers corpse

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            They stood in silence watching over their dead fathers corpse. Not long ago the seven kingdoms had united in fear of Tywin Lannister, but now he was a lifeless corpse in the middle of the Sept of Balour.

"You shouldn't have let him go," Taliya spoke softly, finally breaking their silence,

"I know," he said gritting his teeth as he agreed with his heavily pregnant sister who was to give birth any day,

"Tyrion was his heir,"

"I was his heir," Jaime replied looking to his sister, "I shouldn't have," he started but fell silent as the Sept's grand doors open and their sister emerged.

Jaime glanced at his twin sister as she began to speak, "he never wanted you to be a kingsguard," she started, "but here you are his guarding his dead body,"

"what he built, it's ours," Jaime stated, "he built it for us, he meant it for us," Jaime continued watching Cersei, "they're going to try and take it away, all of it,"


"all of them out there are enemies," he spoke trying to hide his rage, "they're waiting in line to make sure he's really dead and as soon as they see the stones on his eyes they'll set to work tearing us apart," he threatened,

"they have nothing to do with it." Cersei said as her other two siblings looked to each other, "the man who murdered our father, he tore us apart, he's the enemy. I've been telling you for years, you've been defending him for years, both of you," she spat and then it became to clear to the other two Lannisters.

"This is exactly what they want, Cersei,"

"and now our father is dead," Cersei seethed, "and that little monster is out their somewhere drawing breathe," she stared directly at Jaime choosing to ignore her younger sister completely, "did you set him free?" she questioned but Jaime just continued to look at her, "Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose," she spat, "you killed him by mistake," she said disgusted, "you're a man of action aren't you?" Cersei asked,

"Cersei, don't," her sister warned,

"when it occurs to you to do something you do it, don't you? Never mind the consequences,"

"what would you want me to do, Cersei?"

"take a look," she said walking away from her siblings, "look at the consequences," she said as she reached their fathers head, "here they are," she said looking down to her father, "he loved you more than anyone is this world," she placed a kiss on his head, "and this is what you do."

Her brother had freed him and Tyrion finally had his revenge on their father. He had single-handedly killed the most powerful man in the seven kingdom with a crossbow to the heart when he least expected. Taliya hated her brother for it, for what it would cause, but she did not blame him.

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