chapter xvi.

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            "Your with child," the red viper said as he approached the Lannister who was sat in the gardens of the Red Keep,

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            "Your with child," the red viper said as he approached the Lannister who was sat in the gardens of the Red Keep,

"how did you know?" she smiled sweet looking up to the Prince of Dorne,

"you can't hide it anymore,"

"why are you here?" she asked knowing he only would have come if he needed something,

"your sister," he said in his strong Dornish accent,

"what about her?" the Lannister asked with an unpleasant look across her face,

"she desperately wants to see your brother killed,"

"and does that not make you happy?" she questioned looking to into his dark viper eyes,

"if it were another Lannister perhaps."

Her father always said he was half-mad, but that was possibly because he knew the Prince would kill him if he ever got the chance. He fearsome with a notorious reputation and his own brother even stated that no man ever dared tread on him.

"Which is why i am your brother's champion,"

"that is not a good idea, Oberyn," Taliya sighed shaking her head as she looked up to him, "you are not going to like who's my sister has chosen,"

"that is why i am fighting," he said, "i need justice for my sister and her children."

Just like her brother's trial she refused to witness his trial by combat. He had already survived one and a man's only got so much luck.

She knew as soon as her brother stepped into her chambers. She felt it in her gut and the look on Jaime's faces affirmed it. Jaime just ran to hold her in his arms, to have her close.

"He's dead," Jaime muttered as his sister held his face in her hands,

"i heard the screams,"

"I- i've never seen anything like it," he said, "he crushed his skull in with his bare hands just like he did to Elia," he added shaking his head,

"and that means Tyrion is dead as well,"

"he's not," her brother muttered before looking away,


"i helped him escape,"

"you did what?" she asked astonished has she stepped away from her brother,

"i couldn't let him die!"

"and you think Cersei is not going to kill you when she hears of this?"

"she won't find out it was me,"

"you are as stupid as a pig if you don't think our sister will find out!" Taliya shouted at him, "are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Father would have let him be executed I had to do something,"

"he would never," she sighed, "father wouldn't let Tyrion be killed,"

"but Tyrion killed the King," Jaime said trying to justify his actions, "a Lannister King,"

"a King hated by everyone, Tommen will be much easier to govern and he's sane," Taliya said as Jaime tucked her golden curls behind her ear, "Tommen is adored by everyone,"

"and hopefully our son will be too," Jaime smiled,

"you can hope."

keeping these super short sorry but just want to get them posted lol but will definitely go back and edit them!!

thank you for the support<33

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