chapter iv.

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           A snake and a lion would never get along in the seven kingdoms. There was a history full of betrayal, secrecy and violence between the two noble houses. But, the lannister imp had made the bold and maybe foolish decision of betrothing the young princess Myrcella to the prince of Dorne.

"Myrcella," Taliya started as she placed her hands on the younger Lannister's shoulders as they stood on the beach just outside the Red Keep, "be safe my sweet thing," she smiled, "and I can't for your wedding," Myrcella smiled back at her with her innocent olive-coloured eyes,

"I'll miss you, Taliya," the golden princess smiled,

"I'll miss you too, princess," Taliya smiles back before the young lioness was hurried away, "she'll hate you even more," Taliya said to her little brother as they watched the princess climb aboard the ship,

"I did not know that was possible," Tyrion muttered back to her,

"you obviously don't know our sister well enough," she whispered as she looked up to see Cersei watching them. She gave her older sister a smile as she saw the pain in her face she was trying so hard to hide.

Tommen on the other hand was struggling. He was sniffling and many tears had fallen down his cheeks. "Don't cry," Taliya said bending down to the young prince's height, "you will be able to see her soon," she added wiping the tears away, "and I don't want to see you cry."

The little prince looked up to the older Lannister giving her a half-hearted smile and brushing the tears off of his rose coloured cheeks.

"Be strong for her," Taliya smiled as she gripped hold of the young boy's hand.

Taliya was always known for her kindness even though she was a Lannister through and through. She could be as tough as nails and as ruthless as the ocean. But there was something inside her that was pure. Thoughtful, gracious and considerate much unlike the rest of her family.

"You sound like a little cat mewling for his mother. Princes don't cry," Joffrey said with no concern for his little brother,

"Joffrey," Taliya tutted, "do you not share any empathy with your brother?" she said squeezing Tommen's hand,

"I saw you cry," Sansa said at barely a whisper. A small smile appeared on her's and Tommen's faces, but they soon vanished.

"did you say something my lady?" Joffrey scowled turning on his heels to face his soon to be wife,

"my little brother cried when I left Winterfell,"

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