chapter iii.

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               She was lost. She was broken, confused and stuck in Kingslanding. She had nothing to do but wish for her brother's safety and put up with her nephew's ridiculous ruling.

Joffrey was as bad as everyone had said. A spoilt little boy who had become a King after his father had died after a lifetime of drinking, eating, hunting and whoring himself to an early grave. Not much of an example for the young King. She was embarrassed to even call him family. What made it even worse was that her sister allowed the boy to torture and torment the poor Stark girl. It disgusted her. The Starks had done no wrong in her mind and young Sansa had certainly done nothing.

There were two more young lions in the Red Keep. Her sister's other children, Myrcella and young Tommen, were complete opposites to their older brother. Myrcella was beautiful and pure and a typical lioness. She had bright green eyes full of love and kindness and a smile that never disappeared from her lips. Her long golden hair cascaded over her young shoulders and she was her mother's daughter, only full of love and graciousness. Her younger brother was a sweet and innocent little boy. He was humble and gentle and the complete opposite of his older brother. He had a head full of golden locks and had bright emerald coloured eyes full of hope and goodness.

"Nephew," Taliya called as she saw the golden haired boy ahead of her as an excessive amount of kingsguards followed the young boy,

"Lady Taliya," he smirked, "you know the proper way to address your King is your grace,"

"we are family," Taliya grinned, "no need for all those formalities," she added flicking her eyes to the guards behind him,

"when people-" the young King began,

"for instance you should just call me Taliya," she smiled taking Joffrey's arm,

"uh.. i,"

"and I should be able to call you Joffrey or nephew," she smiled as they walked, "isn't that right Sandor?" she called to the Hound who was following closely behind them, "or is it Ser Sandor now?" Taliya asked speaking of the fact he had been named Kingsguard to Joffrey despite not being a Knight beforehand.

"Hound suits him much better," Joffrey replied,

"not to his face," Taliya smirked looking over his shoulder to him, "we grew up together so surly we are on first name basis," she added halting herself and turning to face the giant of a man,

"it was more my brother Lady Taliya," Sandor said with his jaw clenched,

"suppose it was," she smiled, "he is even greater company," Taliya spoke to the King as they carried on walking, "anyway that is not why I needed to speak to you,"

"why then?"

"well, firstly, it's your nameday so I pray that you have a blessed day," she smiled to him, "my apologies for not have gotten you anything, but I have been a tad busy running away from the North,"

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