chapter xix.

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Isn't it weird how love holds the world together, yet it tears mine apart

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Isn't it weird how love holds the world together, yet it tears mine apart.
Taliya whispered as she clutched ahold of her belly, the only thing she had left in the place she had called home.
And how suddenly death doesn't seem like the worst thing in the world because one by one everyone you love is being snatched away from you.

She had been left alone in Kingslanding with no one but her sister and her unborn child. Her brother had scurried off to Dorne at the snap of Cersei's fingers to rescue Myrcella with no even a second thought for Taliya and their child despite her protests. He could not fight to save himself, let alone to save Myrcella but she dare not have said this to his face so she was glad Bronn had agreed to go with him and well also because they did not hurt little girls in Dorne, well, maybe, but not little Lannister princesses. 

Jaime had gone to save one Lannister yet as they tried to save their family, the Gods were pulling them apart. Taliya could not have thanked the High Sparrow enough when they chose to arrest Margarey and Loras, but then they came for her family.

"You will release my sister this instance" Taliya demanded, almost shouting, as she clutched ahold of her belly,
"I am afraid-"
"Cousin Lancel, do something," she spoke turning away from the High Sparrow and to her cousin,
"she has to answer to the gods," came her cousins response,
"You don't surprise me, Cousin Lancel, you were always a sheep," she spat before turning back to the High Sparrow, "I want my sister, the Queen, released,"
"as I said before-"
"I think you're forgetting who I am, High Sparrow," she sneered before removing herself from their presence.

She had forgotten that Tommen was still the same naive little boy he was all those years ago but now he wore a crown upon his head and was expected to rule all of the Seven Kingdoms. She should've known that he would fall head over heels for a pretty face, but it was unfortunate that Margarey Tyrell was a lot more than a pretty face and did everything that Lady Olenna told her to do. There was no way she Cersei was being set free now unless she repented her sins and there was a lot of sins, but fortunately the High Sparrow had not been made aware of these.

Taliya had not been able to see her sister, they had not allowed her to until she did. The woman that walked down the street was not someone Taliya had ever seen before. She was no longer golden, she was broken.

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