chapter xii.

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            She had never know someone that made her feel so whole, so complete by just being in their presence, but that was Jaime for you

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            She had never know someone that made her feel so whole, so complete by just being in their presence, but that was Jaime for you. He may have been called an oathbreaker, a Kingslayer, but to her, he was her home. He had been away for so long that Taliya could no longer remember the feeling of his gentle hands upon her body or his lips upon her's. But Jaime was back now and she was finally complete.

The morning sun shone brightly into the chambers of the young Lannister. Her golden hair glistened in the rays of the sun as she sat upon her brother's lap as they ate breakfast with their older sister.

"To think that our little sister is with child again," Cersei said with a smile, but Taliya could not quite tell whether it was genuine or not. Her older brother smiled against the crook of her neck as she sat on his lap with his arms wrapped protectively around her ever-growing bump. She squeezed his hand in response before turning to her sister.

"Yes," Jaime replied before she could manage to let the words leave her lips, "and hopefully I can be more of a father to this one," he added pressing a kiss to Taliya's bare shoulder,

"but not too involved that it gets us all killed," Taliya added in as she reminded the three of them of the daunting punishment for all of their sins. If only the Targaryens were still ruling no one would have even batted an eye to the siblings, but unfortunately Jaime had ended that by killing the Mad King. "We don't need to lose any more members of our great family,"

"that was a mistake, your boys," Cersei said as she gave Taliya the first sincere and genuine smile that she had seen in a long time, "father was stupid to not think they would not side with the North,"

"he would not listen to me when I told him," the younger Lannister responded, "I told him they would, swore on my own life that they would," she added as tears began to well in her eyes, "but he would not listen,"

"Tali," Jaime spoke as he tucked her golden locks behind her ear, "don't," he added as he watched her hold back the tears that threatened to spill, "don't remind yourself as it will only cause you more pain, my love,"

"I know," she sighed, "nothing will bring them back so there's no point dwelling on the past," she added, "I cannot change it,"

"no," Jaime agreed with a sympathetic smile.

Her two sons' deaths were tragic, truly tragic. The news of their deaths and touched and saddened anyone who knew them. Two young boys of fifteen and seventeen killed by their grandfather's forces. It was horrifying and heart wrenching for Taliya when the fatal news got back to Borrowton. It killed Taliya that day, but she could no longer stay in the North and risk her own life so she had to make the difficult journey south to her father's forces. The soldiers that had killed her boys.

"Has father told you who you are to marry yet?" Cersei asked as she watched her sister reach forward in her brother's lap to retrieve her breakfast from the table in front of her,

"I did not think that he had decided yet?" Taliya answered as she shot her sister a confused look whilst leaning back against Jaime's chest as his arms resumed there somewhat tight grip around her stomach,

"I just assumed he had," Cersei shrugged lightly, "never mind then," she added as she watched her brother's mind tick,

"does he still intend to marry you?" Jaime asked,

"yes," she sighed in response as she looked up to her brother, "very much so," she added as she began eating the fruit and bread on the plate in her lap,

"even with a bastard child?"

"Father said my beauty alone would make any man forget of my bastard child and that it wouldn't stop me finding a suitable husband," Taliya half smirked as she repeated her father's words.

Taliya was his daughter and he was the most powerful and wealthiest man in the seven kingdoms, bastard or no bastard child he would find his daughter a husband. Much to Taliya's displeasure, she knew this was true and she only longed that her future husband would not be cruel or consumed with greed. She could handle most things thrown at her, but what she could not was people seeing past her and only seeing for her father's wealth. And this happened a lot. She was more than just her father's gold, she had her own wealth and very few people seemed to notice this. She may have worn gowns draped in gold, but gold was their colour and it always would be. She didn't want to be seen for her beauty, although it was helpful at times, and she did not want to be known only for her House's riches.

Their ancestors were always said to have been golden and fair-haired, tall and handsome and the present Lannisters were no different. The siblings were among some of the most attractive and well presented Lords and Ladies in the seven kingdoms. Fit to be royalty, every last one of them. Their hair dripped with gold that glimmered and shone in the sunlight and their skin was equally as golden from hours spent playing in the beaming sun back at Casterly Rock. Not only did they look golden, but they were rich with gold. Casterly Rock was built on a gold mine so there was no shortage of riches- or that was what they thought.

"I heard that the famous Lannister mines have finally dried up," Taliya scoffed as she still sat in her brother's lap in her designated room in the Red Keep. She had been confined to these four walls as soon as her father had noticed the bump of her stomach that had become noticeable. They were Lannisters and their legacy would not be destroyed by a bastard- especially not by one of his daughters, Jaime he may have allowed. She had despised her father for this, but she knew deep down that it was in her's and her family's best interest. There had been few that questioned her whereabouts, but far less than if the capital knew she was carrying a bastard babe.

"A Lannister always pays his debts," Jaime said looking to his sister as he placed one of the small red fruits between his lips, "yet we have no more gold to pay them,"

"exactly," Cersei added,

"that is why father is so set on the marriage alliances to the Tyrells," the youngest Lannister clarified and she received a nod from both her siblings,

"they are the second wealthiest house," Jaime replied, "maybe the most if we no longer have any gold running through our mines. They have wealth and they also have food and lots of it," he added, "the Tyrells can feed armies of eighty to a hundred thousand men and armies march on their stomachs. You can't eat gold and it appears we do not have much of that left either," Jaime said ever so wisely,

"father was clever to create an alliance with the Tyrells," Taliya noted and she reached for the silver goblet before her which was filled almost to the brim with sweet red wine,

"it was clever, but father had been plotting this long ago,"

"still does not shed any light on who i am supposed to marry."

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