chapter ii.

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               Nowhere was safe for a lady in Westeros, especially not in the midsts of a war. Lady Taliya had spent the last few days with her family at the Lannister camp as her father, her brother and the rest of his men planned for the upcoming battle against the Starks and what they were going to do with her. She had spent the whole of her life away from her family and for once she just wanted to be home. But home would never be the same for the Lannister. Everything that was home to her had been stripped from her. Her mother, her father, her childhood, her sister, her children. Jaime was the only thing left that felt remotely like home. Her mother had died when she was little and her father was never the same after Lady Joanna's death. Taliya's childhood was taken as soon as the little Lannister was sent North. Her sister when she married the King and her children when they choose to fight for the wrong side.

The early morning sunlight streamed into the room causing her hair to look ever more golden as she laid in the bed wrapped in the white sheets. Her green cat-like eyes staring at nothing, but her mind was occupied by everything. "Are you okay?" came her brother voice as he looked across to his younger sister. She wasn't. She still hadn't cried. She still hadn't mourned for her babies. For her husband.

"I will be one day," she said arms hugging her chest,

"you will," he said trying to reassure her,

"what if-" she began. But she stuttered. She didn't want to say what she was thinking because then it would be real.

"What if what, Taliya?" her brother asked still watching over her,

"what if i can't remember them?" she asked as he watched a single tear roll down her cheek, "what if they begin to disappear just like mother did?"

"Taliya," he sighed walking over to her and sitting down on the bed next to her, "you were so little when mother passed," he said, "i am surprised you can remember when she looked like,"

"but Jaime, i don't want them to go," she cried, "they were my sons,"

"i know," Jaime replied moving so he could pull her into a hug. He let her face rest in the crook of his neck as she began to sob.

"My sons, Jaime," she cried as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her close, "our son, Jaime,"

"I know," he said as he rested his head upon hers. Holding her close and trying to comfort her. He knew his embrace would not mend her broken heart. It would not fix all that had happened. It wouldn't bring her sons back, but it was all that he could do. Let her cry. "But this is going to make you stronger than ever," Jaime spoke placing a kiss upon her head, "stronger than you ever have been,"

"Jaime, i have nothing left to be strong for," she sighed looking to her brother,

"you do," he replied ticking her hair behind her ears and looking into her eyes, "be strong for yourself," he said placing another kiss to her forehead, "for me," he added. She nodded in response as he brought his lips to her swollen rosy ones, "be strong for us," he smiled against her lips as his fingertips stroked her tear stained cheeks.

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