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A/N: so this is the end :( but I've loved writing this book and I hope you guys loved reading it. Now that this is over I'll be going back to my one shot book which hopefully will have better stories than before and I'll also be writing in my original stories so please check them out on my profile. That's about it so ... I hope you like it!

* * *

Will was nervous beyond compare. Today was the day. Not that day but as close as it gets for teenagers - prom.

He fixed his suit, tie, and hair once more. Will recalled when Nico had asked him. It was over text and when Will received it he jumped so high his head nearly hit the ceiling. It was only at the start of the year when he thought he'd have to go to prom alone and possibly be viewed as a loser. Now he was going with his amazing boyfriend.

He looked fine, he saw in his reflection but self doubt crept into his mind until his sister barged into his room. 

"Will," she rose an eyebrow and crossed her arms accusingly, "Have you been spending all this time dressing up?" 

He nodded, hiding his red cheeks. He just really needed tonight to be perfect. 

Kayla walked over to him and fixed his tie. "You look so grown up," she told him smiling at her little brother. "And quite adorable too," she added pinching his cheek then ruffling his hair. 

"Hey!" Will protested swatting her hand away from his previously neatly combed hair. He ran a hand through it to flatten it down again.

A doorbell sounded through the house, faintly making its way into Will's room by the open door. Kayla pulled Will to the door and shoved him into the hall. 

"Go get 'em!" she yelled for encouragement as she pushed him down the last step on the stairs, then dashed to the living room to act causal beside her mom.

Will's face heated up and for the last time he brushed down his suit jacket and pulled the door open. 

Nico stood there in a black suit with a golden tie. He looked up at Will. "You look . . . wow," he stammered trying to compliment his boyfriend. 

Will chuckled as Nico rubbed the back of his neck as hiss face turned scarlet. "Shut up . . ." he mumbled. 

The other boy smirked. "No, no," he teased. "You look 'wow' too."

Nico titled his head and rolled him eyes. "Dork."

"Nico! Will! Get in here!" Kayla's voice came yelling. "We want pictures!"

* * *

Kayla and her mom spent, in Nico's opinion, way too much time on the pictures (but he did treasure those pictures through the years to come). 

When their mini photo session was over they walked outside to wait for Percy, who they were doing a group ride in with Annabeth. 

In just a few seconds a dark blue car sped into the driveway and it emitted a loud beeping noise. The window rolled down to show Annabeth waving them over while Percy honked again. 

"Come on we don't have all night," he called dragging out the letters in every word.

Nico grabbed Will's hand and they strolled leisurely to the car. 

"Took your time didn't ya?"

Nico shot back a witty remark to his long time friend and Percy pressed the gas making the car buzz to life and move forward. 

* * *

The dance's theme was the galaxy. The auditorium was dark with a projector shining colorful dots around the room. There was a yellow spot light on the stage where the D.J stood (in a golden suit sort of like the sun) and colorful fairy lights lined the edges of the punch table. A few people took the theme into consideration and came in matching clothes - girls wearing dresses black dresses with patterns of stars that fanned out in a spiral of purple, blue, and pink when they spun, hypnotizing people as they begun to dance. 

After a few upbeat songs which people spun and jumped to, a slow song began to play. "Girls and boys go get your partners cause this songs for all those couples," the DJ said as all the single people walked over to get refreshments or to find a dance partner.

Percy smiled and set down his punch, holding out his hand for Annabeth to take, and they went together as one of the first couples to set onto the dance floor. More people joined them, linking hands and dancing slowly to the soft song.

Will looked out at all the people then back to his date. "Do you want to um dance?" he asked Nico, blush creeping up on his cheeks. Did Nico even like slow songs? He hadn't asked Will yet and this was their first dance together.

Nico smirked and took Will's hand. "I thought you'd never ask."

* * *

The night flew by as after that first dance they didn't stop until the DJ took a break. Nico slouched into a chair by the punch table his boyfriend taking the seat next to him. 

"So . . ." Nico started turning to Will a glass of punch in his hand. "Do you think they spiked it this year? Bia said they did at her school last year." He swirled the drink around in his hand.

Will laughed. "I've never drank much, I'd be clueless in that department," he said staring into his own glass as if it would help him identify if there was alcohol in it. "Have you?"

Nico took a sip from it. "I hold my liquor well," he laughed smirking. "But I wouldn't put it past the guys here to not spike it."

The two spent some time just talking and pointing out people they speculated to be crushing on each other. Percy came up to them one point during the night while Annabeth had gone to the bathroom and they played matchmaker on two friends who were hilariously trying to slow dance to a fast song (they kissed in the end, mission successful).

The DJ spoke into the mic, sometime after Percy retreated back to find his girlfriend, announcing the last song. 

Will looked sideways at Nico a smile playing on his lips as he leaned back crossing his arms. Nico rose an eyebrow and nodded to the dance floor where couples where beginning to move to as the instrumental started. Neither made a move. 

"Are we gonna dance or  . . .?" Nico asked sitting at the edge of his seat. 

Will remained in the same position. "Ask me."

"What?" Nico asked a laugh following his question at his boyfriend's demand. 

"Ask me," Will repeated. "I asked earlier."

Nico recalled the first dance. He smiled and stood up in front of Will. He bowed gracefully halfway down and when he straightened he spoke. "May I have this dance good sir?"

Will stifled a laugh, standing up. He took Nico's outstretched hand. "Of course you may Neeks," he replied. 

Hand in hand they moved towards the dance floor and had one last dance. Even after the song had ended and the two boys were back home in their respective beds lying awake under warm duvets the music never seemed to stop. 

A/N: .... and thats it. Story's done and i'm kinda relived and kinda sad. I LOVED this story and I LOVED how it came out. I hope this ending was satisfying enough for all of you guys I mean it was pretty cheesy but I think it came out nice. If you all need some more solangelo in your lives I'll be continuing my one shot story you can find on my profile. Well, that's it. Go find your own Wills and Nicos in your life now, or you could always jut read more fanfiction. Bye!

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