Chapter 2: Disco Inferno

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Chapter 2

          We finally arrived at the warehouse. It’s basically just an abandoned building that we were able to get at a reasonable price. I think it used to be a storage house or something. When we first walked in this place, it literally looked like a tornado passed by. We spent a few months renovating the place and making it our own. Mostly, the guys worked on the actual building, like placing new flooring. They actually managed to put in a dance floor at the far end, but we rarely use light it up. Takes up too much electricity. But we do use it sometimes, like when we videotape our routines. It gives a good effect and makes it look all fancy. Us girls, on the other hand, took care of decorating the place. Giving it a little pizazz:). Instead of boring old paint for the walls, we used graffiti patterns we found on the internet to for the walls. We decided to spray paint the words Vibe LegaZ on the wall behind the dance floor. Creating a cool background for when we videotape our dance. After decorating, it looked absolutely amazing! You wouldn’t believe it was the same place. But what use would our warehouse be if we didn’t have anything to play our music? To be a little different from the typical speaker, we piled up numerous speakers to come up with this giant “boombox”. Kind of like the one they had in Step-Up 3.

          As Zane and I entered, we were greeted by a familiar face. It was the very familiar wavy, light brown hair and brown eyes that belonged to the cute, lovable girl we all knew and loved.

          “Tori! Zane! You’re here!” Addy yelled looking extremely hyper. Well, anyone who was jumping up and down before two people for no reason at all would look extremely hyper. Right behind her, we saw Skye coming our way looking very ladylike as usual. Don’t be fooled though. Behind those girly, blond curls, and baby blue eyes, is an amazing dancer. Nothing ladylike at all. That girl can really rock the dance floor!

          “Hey guys! Looks like you guys have been given the full welcome package by shorty over here,” she laughed while looking from us to Addy. Well, what do you expect people to call you when you’re only five foot three? We haven’t even been able to respond to either of them when Addy let out laugh filled growl. “Take that back.” Skye brought her hand up to her chin and pretended to think about it for a while, but eventually said, “Nope, I don’t think so,” with a smirk on her face.With that being said, Addy charged at Skye and started throwing punches at her. Now Skye would’ve been really hurt, if she wasn’t too busy holding Addy back by the head.

          By this time, Zane and I were both laughing so hard that we collapsed to the hard floor, but we were laughing too hard to feel the pain. We started clutching our stomachs because they started to hurt. We just had to look like complete retards!

          After a few more minutes of unsuccessful punching, Addy finally decided to give up.

          “Fine, you win,” she said with a heavy sigh. Skye finally let go and patted her head, “Good girl.”

          We were finally able to catch our breath, and we stood up.

          “We better go get changed,” I said a little breathless, still.

          “That’s a good idea, you go do that!” Skye said with the widest of smiles on her face. Now I’m not really sure if she’s stating the obvious, or mocking me. Hmm, well, it doesn’t look like I’m gonna know so we just headed for the locker room.

          There are a lot of perks having your own place to practice. You get to have privacy which is good for me because I don’t really enjoy having strangers around. Don’t get me wrong, I love making new friends and all, but there are just some times when I enjoy being surrounded by just close friends. Another in this case, is having our own lockers. This place could practically be our home.

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